Author: Mark O'Shea

Herps Of Papua New Guinea
The most common lizard we found, as I expected, was the pelagic gecko. [...]
The Slow Worm
The legless lizard of Europe is a secretive creature that is often overlooked. [...]
The Viperine Water Snake
Check out the viperine water snake. [...]

The New Guinea Small-Eyed Snake
The New Guinea small-eyed snake is a secretive nocturnal elapid with a striking patterning that ranges from red bands on a white background in juvenil [...]

The New Guinea Ground Boa
Check out the New Guinea ground boa. [...]

The English Grass Snake
Check out the English grass snake. [...]

The Dice Snake
The Dice snake is found in eastern Europe and western Asia. [...]

Common Ground Snake
Check out the common ground snake. [...]

Brown Treesnake
Check out the brown treesnake. [...]

Bevel-Nosed Boas
Bevel-nosed boas have narrow heads, long prehensile tails and a variable pattern. [...]
The Wolf's Wedge Skink
The Wolf's wedge skink is a cryptozoic, semifossorial skink with an elongate body, covered in smooth, shiny scales and reduced limbs. [...]
The Solomons Wedge Skink
Check out the Solomons wedge skink. [...]
The Sand Lizard
The sand lizard is Britain’s rarest and most threatened lizard. [...]
The Pelagic Gecko
The pelagic gecko is actually a species complex comprised of four karyotypic morphs and both unisexual and bisexual populations. [...]
The Pale-Headed Skink
The pale-headed skink is a terrestrial skink that likes to bask. [...]
The Jobi Skink
Check out the jobi skink. [...]
The Jakati River Skink
Emoia jakati is a super-species named for the Jakati River on the Vogelkop Peninsula of Indonesian New Guinea. [...]
Emerald Tree Skink
Check out the emerald tree skink. [...]
The Crocodile Skink
Check out the New Guinea crocodile skink. [...]

The Brown Four-Fingered Skink
A look at the brown four-fingered skink. [...]