Author: John Virata

Hellbender Salamander Exhibit Opens At Maryland Zoo
Exhibit features two of the rarest of salamanders [...]

Loggerhead Sea Turtle Shot With Spear Gun, $13,000 Reward Offered
Sub adult female expected to make a full recovery [...]

Burning Down The Forest To Restore The Collared Lizard
The introduction of firefighting after WWII to the Ozark Glades diminished collared lizard populations [...]

Hawksbill Sea Turtles Found Foraging And Living In Mangrove Estuaries
12 adult female Eretmochelys imbricatas were tracked to mangrove forests of Central America [...]

UK Scientist Teaches Tortoise To Yawn, Wins IG Nobel Award
Chelonoidis carbonaria used in study on the spatial, visual and social cognition in tortoises [...]
Close To $68k Raised At The NARBC Tinley Park Show Auction
Show promoters insert special cause in auction to benefit Pro Exotics [...]
Copperhead Snake Reproduces Via Parthenogenesis
Agkistrodon contortrix collected in 1998 and kept in isolation gives birth three years later [...]
More Than 300 Reptile Lovers Attend The Reptile Zoo Masquerade At Prehistoric Pets In Fountain Valley, CA.
Some came in costumes while others came to check out the new exhibits, but the stars of the masquerades were definitely cold-blooded. [...]

Exo Terra Donation Enables PHS to Build Venom Room
Tours of venom room to begin week of Thanksgiving, Nov. 19-26, 2011 [...]

Surfer’s Antics Sparks Outrage After Riding Threatened Hawaiian Sea Turtle
Pro surfer faces potential fines if found to have violated state and federal law for molesting chelonia mydas. [...]
Justin Bieber Auctions His Pet Boa Constrictor
The auction of Johnson will benefit Pencils of Promise and closes Nov. 29. [...]

NYC's Most Famous Iguana Dies At 19
Elizabeth the Iguana was equally at ease with children as well as celebrities and politicians. [...]
Bog Turtle Survival Enhanced Due To Public Private Conservation Efforts
Some programs offer compensation to landowners who restore and protect bog turtle areas. [...]

Memphis Zoo Welcomes Baby Komodo Dragon
Hatched in October, the baby lizard weighed just 99 grams at birth. [...]
Feds Declare S. Florida Rainbow Snake Extinct, Reward Offered To First Person With Proof Snake Is Not
Center for Biological Diversity and the Center for Snake Conservation want proof to dispute USFWS. [...]