Author: John Virata
8-Year-Old Chinese Boy Caught Smuggling His Pet Turtle At Airport
When you read about smuggling in China, it is usually on a grand scale involving endangered species. In this case, it was a mere love of a pet that ca [...]

Animals Eat The Strangest Things: Vet X-Ray Contest Winner Is A Pet Frog ran an X-Ray Contest for veterinarians to see what crazy items animals mistook for food and the winner was a frog. Guess wh [...]

Four New Species Of See-Through Glass Frogs Discovered In Peru
They are so cool that you will marvel at the pictures of these new species of frogs discovered by herpetologists in the Peruvian Andes. These little g [...]

Canadian Skink Lovers Rejoice As Northern Prairie Skink Gets Extra Protections
The northern prairie skink (Plestiodon septentrionalis), the only lizard species found in Canada’s Manitoba province has gotten some extra protection [...]

How Do Lizards Regrow Their Tails? Researchers Have Found The Answer
Did you ever wonder how some lizards can regenerate their tails after they drop them? Well, so have scientists at Arizona State University who have fo [...]
Injured Snapping Turtle Found In Trash Can Lays 51 Eggs
An Ann Arbor, Mich. area veterinarian successfully hatched 28 baby common snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina) after their mother was found badly in [...]
Turtles Can Talk To Each Other
Turtle can talk to each other, and not just the teenage mutant ninja kind, as scientists in Brazil have successfully recorded giant South American riv [...]

Video: Swimmer Evades Crocodile Off Playa del Carmen, Mexico
A pretty radical video has surfaced on social media showing a swimmer off the coast of Playa del Carmen swimming frantically to shore as what may be a [...]
Flock Of Flying Lizard Skeletons Found In Brazil
Flying lizards are so cool that there was a punk rock band in the 1970s that was named the Flying Lizards. However, there aren’t any lizard [...]

Black Rat Snake Resting After Vet Removes Ceramic Egg From Its Belly
A black rat snake (Pantherophis obsoletus) that ate a ceramic egg in a chicken coop August 11 had the fake egg successfully removed on Tuesday, accord [...]

Twinkie The World’s Largest Albino Reticulated Python Dies
Twinkie, the world’s largest albino reticulated python (Python reticulatus) has died. She was a fixture at the Reptile Zoo in Fountain Valley, CA. All [...]

12 Blue Racers Successfully Hatched At Canada’s Scales Nature Park
There is good news for Canada's blue racer snake (Coluber constrictor foxii) as Canada’s Scales Nature Park has successfully hatched 12 babi [...]
Celebrate World Lizard Day!
For those of you are lizard fans, today is World Lizard Day! What does that mean? It means you get to celebrate lizard day all day, around the world. [...]

Leatherback Turtle Rescued By New Jersey Coast Guard
You have to love the U.S. Coast Guard. You can hail them on Channel 16 when you are on the water and your boat is in distress. They perform some of th [...]

Tree Thinning At Lake Tahoe On Hold Due To Potential Negative Effects To Sierra Nevada Yellow-legged Frog
A tree thinning project to decrease the change of catastrophic wildfires at Lake Tahoe has been postponed due to concerns that the project could have [...]

Oregon Grandma Performs CPR On Bearded Dragon And Saves Grandson’s Pet
Kudos to Sherrie Dolezal of Salem, Ore. for saving her grandson's beloved bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps) via CPR, yes CPR. According to the Statesm [...]

What Is Up With New Jersey And “Large” Snakes On The Loose?
What is up with New Jersey and "large" snakes these past few weeks? First it was the as yet unfound and seemingly non-existent green anacond [...]

Insanely Colorful Frog Species Found 10 Years Ago Declared New Species
A beautiful new species of frog that was misidentified more than 10 years ago has been deemed a new species by scientists with the University of Kansa [...]
Mass Die Off Of Wood Frog Tadpoles Concerns Scientist
A mass die off of wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus) in a half-acre pond in Brunswick, Maine has caused concern for the scientist who owns the pond. E [...]
Biologists Release California Red-Legged Frog Tadpoles Into Santa Monica Mountains
About 850 tadpoles were released into two streams in the Santa Monica Mountains. [...]

USFWS To Analyze Potential Impact Of Pesticides On Amphibians
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will analyze certain pesticides on their impact on wildlife in the United States [...]

Gecko Sex Satellite Loses Control With Russia’s Mission Control
Comedian John Oliver has implored President Putin to #GoGetThoseGeckos [...]'s SuperZoo 2014 Best Of Show Awards
SuperZoo in Las Vegas is a monster show with aisles of new products and services for your pets. This year marks the first Best of [...]

How Do Alaskan Wood Frogs Freeze And Thaw?
Alaskan wood frogs can freeze and thaw due to sugar buildup in their bodies. [...]