Author: Dick Bartlett

Sand And Scrub-dwelling Snake Species
Sandy landscapes are home to many interesting snakes, from leaf-nosed species
to the sand swimmers. [...]

Blue Spiny Lizard Care Sheet
Updated February 3, 2023
Blue Spiny Lizard (Sceloporus cyanogenys)
Although occasional wild-collected blue spiny lizards may give birth to young [...]

Herping The Pacific Coast Ensatina
Ensatina eschscholtzii, salamander, Plethodontidae [...]

Expert Tips On Keeping The Narrow-Bridged Musk Turtle
Exactly what is a Claudius? Proponents of one side of the argument feel that Claudius is a monotypic staurotypine musk turtle, a turtle most closely a [...]

Expert Newt Care Tips
Almost everyone who sees them agrees that newts are, in general, endearing little creatures. However, the fact that most are seen in tropical-fish sto [...]

How to Care for Mole and Prairie Kingsnakes
These secretive snakes are often referred to the yellow-bellied kingsnake group. [...]

North American Lizards From The Sceloporus Genus
A guide to swift and spiny lizards. [...]

How To Find And Collect Swifts And Spiny Lizards
Bonus content from the July 2012 REPTILES magazine article "Swift and Spiny." [...]

American Geckos
Check out these geckos native to America. [...]

Coral Snakes
Coral snakes are secretive and seldom seen. [...]
Grass Lizards: Quick And Easy
Keep up to four in a standard 20-gallon long aquarium. [...]

Antaresia Pythons
Snakes of the Antaresia genus are compact and easy to care for. [...]
Lizards Of The Sun
Colorful and energetic, whiptails flit across the United States. [...]
Spotted Turtle Care Info
These beautiful reptiles are coveted by hobbyists around the world. [...]

Yellow-Margined Box Turtle Care And Information
The yellow-margined box turtle makes a hardy pet. [...]

Kingsnakes Questions Answered
Searching for wild kingsnakes. [...]

Herping for Western Garter Snakes
Western Garter Snakes: Looking for Thamnophis with other herps sprinkled in. [...]

Herping for Frogs in Florida
These Florida frogs keep the sounds of springtime alive. [...]

Reptiles And Amphibians Of Mexico
This herping trip to Mexico uncovers reptiles and amphibians. [...]
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