Tag: new species

1 2 3 48 / 56 POSTS
<em>Paikwaophis kruki</em>, A New Snake Species From Guyana Described

Paikwaophis kruki, A New Snake Species From Guyana Described

The researchers say the snake lives in a fairly dense forest environment with small to medium trees and occasional large trees. [...]
New Snake Species Discovered In Peru named After Harrison Ford

New Snake Species Discovered In Peru named After Harrison Ford

An unusual snake character that Tachymenoides harri­sonfordi sp. n. displays, are the three longitudinal skin folds on the posterior dorsal/dorsolater [...]
New Spiny-backed Treefrog Species Discovered In Peru

New Spiny-backed Treefrog Species Discovered In Peru

Osteocephalus vasquezi features dark irises and tuberculate dorsal skin, which is brown in coloration. [...]
New Species of Crocodile Newt Discovered in Vietnam

New Species of Crocodile Newt Discovered in Vietnam

A new species of crocodile newt has been discovered in the central highlands of Vietnam. The amphibian, Tylototriton ngoclinhensis was discovered in t [...]
New Stefania Genus Frog Species Described

New Stefania Genus Frog Species Described

This particular frog carries its eggs on the back, and once hatched, the froglets remain on the back for a period of time. [...]
New Treefrog Species Of the Genus Scinax Discovered In Peru

New Treefrog Species Of the Genus Scinax Discovered In Peru

The frog, Scinax pyroinguinis sp. nov. was described from two males that were found in the Amazon rainforest. [...]
New Southern Levant Rat Snake Species of the genus Elaphe Described

New Southern Levant Rat Snake Species of the genus Elaphe Described

Because there are no names for the rat snake population from the Levant, the scientists suggest Elaphe druzei, dedicated to the Druze. [...]
New Leaf-tailed Gecko Species Discovered in Australia

New Leaf-tailed Gecko Species Discovered in Australia

Researcher Conrad J. Hoskin of Australia's James Cook University has discovered a new leaf-tailed gecko species on Scawfell island in Queensland, Aust [...]
<em>Hyloscirtus tolkieni</em>, A New Stream Frog Species Named After J.R.R. Tolkien

Hyloscirtus tolkieni, A New Stream Frog Species Named After J.R.R. Tolkien

A new species of stream frog from the Ecuadorian Andes has been named after J.R.R. Tolkien, the author of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. The fr [...]
Leonardo DiCaprio Names New Snake Species After His Mother

Leonardo DiCaprio Names New Snake Species After His Mother

Researchers have discovered five arboreal snake species in the jungles of South America and Leonardo DiCaprio and Brian Sheth of Nature and Culture In [...]
Dwarf Boa New To Science Discovered In Ecuador’s Upper Amazon Basin

Dwarf Boa New To Science Discovered In Ecuador’s Upper Amazon Basin

Researchers have discovered and described a new species of dwarf boa of the family Tropidophiidae living high in the cloud forests of northeastern Ecu [...]
Three New Snakes of The Genus Atractus Discovered in Ecuador

Three New Snakes of The Genus Atractus Discovered in Ecuador

The new snakes, Atractus discovery, A. zgap, A. michaelsabini sp. nov. are native to Ecuador and Colombia. [...]

8 Lygodactylus Gecko Species New To Science Discovered In Madagascar

Researchers have discovered eight new gecko species in the forests of Madagascar. The researchers apparently discovered the eight new species while st [...]
New Treefrog Species Discovered On Former Cattle Ranch In Costa Rica

New Treefrog Species Discovered On Former Cattle Ranch In Costa Rica

Donald Valera Soto, co-owner of the Tapir Valley Nature reserve, first heard the trill of the frog, named the Tapir Valley treefrog, in March 2018. [...]
3 Salamander Species Discovered In Southern Appalachian Mountains

3 Salamander Species Discovered In Southern Appalachian Mountains

The new species are from black-bellied salamanders Desmognathus quadramaculatus that were once thought to be a single species. [...]

66-Million-Year-Old Smooth-Shelled Turtle Fossil Discovered In Canada

Leiochelys tokaryki, is a nearly complete skeleton that existed during the Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) period. [...]
New Mountain Frog Species From Australia Discovered And Described

New Mountain Frog Species From Australia Discovered And Described

Philoria knowlesi is known to breed in the spring and early summer, using bogs, banks of headwater streams and seepages as breeding grounds. [...]
Two New Glass Frog Species Discovered In Ecuadorian Andes

Two New Glass Frog Species Discovered In Ecuadorian Andes

Both frogs are a translucent green in coloration with yellow spots and see through bellies. [...]
New Mossy Frog Species Discovered in Vietnam

New Mossy Frog Species Discovered in Vietnam

Theloderma khoii sp. nov. is different from other mossy frogs in the genus in that it is larger. [...]
Researchers Name a Tiny Rainfrog After Activist Greta Thunberg

Researchers Name a Tiny Rainfrog After Activist Greta Thunberg

The frog, named Greta Thunberg’s rainfrogs (Pristimantis gretathunbergae) is tiny, at about 3 to 4 centimeters in length. [...]
New Gecko Species Named After Hong Kong Movie Star Jackie Chan

New Gecko Species Named After Hong Kong Movie Star Jackie Chan

Researchers have discovered a new gecko species that is so agile it was named after action star Jackie Chan. Jackie’s day gecko (Cnemaspis jackieii [...]

Scientists Discover New Liolaemus Lizard Species In Peru

A new species of Liolaemus lizard has been discovered in the Peruvian Andes. The lizard, named Liolaemus warjantay was found at a 4,500 meter (14,700 [...]
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