Tag: Indonesia

Indonesian Mother Eaten By 16-Foot Reticulated Python
This marks the fourth time since 2017 that a human was consumed by a python in Indonesia. [...]
New Fanged Frog Species Discovered in Indonesia
The frog, Limnonectes phyllofolia sp. nov. has a unique reproductive strategy in which the male of the species guards the egg clutches. [...]

This is Why The Komodo Dragon Is Such An Apex Predator
Video has appeared on social media of a Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) taking down a small deer. [...]

22-foot Reticulated Python Eats Woman In Indonesia
In 2017, a 25-year-old man was swallowed by a reticulated python in the Southeast Asian nation. In 2018, a 54-year old woman who was checking her vege [...]
Skunk Gecko Care Sheet
Gekko vittatus is an ideal species for the intermediate to advanced reptile keeper. [...]
Walking With The Dragons of Komodo National Park
Though the teeming reefs of Komodo may be sparklingly rich, it is without a doubt that the star attraction of this region of Indonesia is the Komodo d [...]
10 Komodo Dragons Hatch at San Antonio Zoo
Komodo dragons are the largest lizards in the world and are native to Indonesia. [...]

Listing Komodo Dragon As Endangered Based On Assumption, Should Be Reassessed
A komodo dragon takes down a deer. Photo by Sergey Uryadnikov/Shutterstock
The listing of the Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) as endangered was [...]
13 Critically Endangered Roti Island Snake-necked Turtles Returned To Indonesia
Thirteen Roti Island snake-necked turtles (Chelodina mccordi) that were being cared for by Wildlife Reserves Singapore have been returned to Indonesia [...]
Komodo Dragon Reclassified As Endangered Species
The iconic Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis), the largest lizard in the world and native only to Komodo National Park in Indonesia, has been reclass [...]

Komodo Dragons Threatened By Rising Sea Levels And A Warming Planet, Scientists Say
Komodo dragons (Varanus komodoensis), the largest lizards on the planet live on just a few islands in the Indonesian archipelago. There are only an es [...]

Nose-Horned Lizard Not Seen Since 1891 Rediscovered In Indonesia
Modigliani’s lizard, (Harpesaurus modiglianii) a lizard of the Agamidae family that hasn’t been seen since it was first discovered way back in 1891, h [...]
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