Tag: bearded dragon

Insuring Your Bearded Dragon With Pet Insurance

Insuring Your Bearded Dragon With Pet Insurance

If you’re passionate about taking that 10 to 15-year journey with your beardie, insure their health today! [...]
Proper Hygiene Habits for Bearded Dragon Owners

Proper Hygiene Habits for Bearded Dragon Owners

Bearded dragons are reptiles and they are terrestrial so they can't fly, but they are fast and they can climb a tree easily. They live in coastal dune [...]
Bearded Dragon Brain Mapped By University of Illinois Researchers

Bearded Dragon Brain Mapped By University of Illinois Researchers

The bearded dragon is the most common lizard species treated by exotic veterinarians. [...]

Louisiana Police Officer Keeps Bearded Dragon Until Owner is Located

The police officer put out an APB for the owner, but three days later, nobody has come forward. [...]
5 Great Pet Lizards For Reptile Keepers

5 Great Pet Lizards For Reptile Keepers

Provisions to keep these reptiles can be had at nearly every pet and reptile store, and the major manufacturers have enclosure bundles designed specif [...]
Don’t Kiss Your Bearded Dragon! CDC Reports Salmonella Infections

Don’t Kiss Your Bearded Dragon! CDC Reports Salmonella Infections

Bearded dragons and most other reptiles can carry Salmonella in their gut and droppings even when they look healthy. [...]
Bearded Dragon Embryos Can Switch Sex Two Different Ways, Study Says

Bearded Dragon Embryos Can Switch Sex Two Different Ways, Study Says

For many egg laying reptiles, temperature of the eggs during incubation determines the sex of the hatchling. For example, a 2017 study of green sea tu [...]
Bearded Dragon Most Popular Pet Reptile, Followed By Ball Python And Leopard Gecko, Data Shows

Bearded Dragon Most Popular Pet Reptile, Followed By Ball Python And Leopard Gecko, Data Shows

The bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps) is the most popular herp kept by reptile keepers, according to a study based off Google Trends research publishe [...]
Lost Bearded Dragon Turns Up Safe 10 Days Later

Lost Bearded Dragon Turns Up Safe 10 Days Later

A bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps) that got out of his enclosure June 13 and then spent 10 days wandering about 4km away from his home was returned t [...]
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