Category: Turtles & Tortoises

1 2 3 24 / 57 POSTS
Has Keeping Kingsnakes And Corn Snakes In Florence, SC Been Banned?

Has Keeping Kingsnakes And Corn Snakes In Florence, SC Been Banned?

Reptiles Magazine is waiting to hear back from the city to determine if these non-venomous and popular snakes among reptile keepers is included, as th [...]
More Than 900 Trafficked Tortoises Returned To Madagascar

More Than 900 Trafficked Tortoises Returned To Madagascar

Six suspects were arrested and have been charged with endangered animal trafficking. They could face up to 15 years in prison and fined 1.5 million ba [...]
ALERT: Diamondback Terrapin ESA Listing

ALERT: Diamondback Terrapin ESA Listing

The species has a large range from Cape Cod in Massachusetts through the Florida Keys and west along the Gulf Coast to the Corpus Christi area in Texa [...]
Researchers Can Detect Nuclear Events In Scutes Of Turtles and Tortoises

Researchers Can Detect Nuclear Events In Scutes Of Turtles and Tortoises

In all of the scute samples except that from the control animal, the Sonoran desert tortoise, uranium (235U and 236U) were detected. [...]
Keeping And Breeding The African Dwarf Mud Turtle

Keeping And Breeding The African Dwarf Mud Turtle

The African dwarf mud turtle, Pelusios nanus, has been sporadically imported into the United States for the past eight years, making it one of the new [...]
Aldabra Tortoise Genome Sequence Completed And Released

Aldabra Tortoise Genome Sequence Completed And Released

Hermania, an Aldabra giant tortoise who lives in the Zurich Zoo, served as the animal in which the researchers built the reference genome. [...]
Eastern Box Turtle May Be Listed As Threatened By Michigan DNR

Eastern Box Turtle May Be Listed As Threatened By Michigan DNR

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is looking at potentially changing the state’s endangered and threatened species list and is seeking inpu [...]
Burmese Star Tortoise Population In Yangon Up By 2,072

Burmese Star Tortoise Population In Yangon Up By 2,072

Thanks to captive breeding, the population of the critically endangered species in the country’s Shwesettaw Wildlife Sanctuary has increased to 2,072 [...]
Florida FWC Seeks Input On Gopher Tortoise Permitting Guidelines

Florida FWC Seeks Input On Gopher Tortoise Permitting Guidelines

The gopher tortoise is a federally endangered species that is listed as vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. [...]
1st in 75 Years, Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtles Hatch On Louisiana’s Chandeleur Islands

1st in 75 Years, Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtles Hatch On Louisiana’s Chandeleur Islands

Kemp’s ridley sea turtle hatchlings have been seen on Lousiana’s Chandeleur Islands, marking the first time in 75 years the reptile has been observed [...]

Leucistic Loggerhead Sea Turtle Hatchling Found In Cape Hatteras

The turtle has some pigmentation and its eyes are brown, rather than the red that is seen in albino animals. [...]
200 Arizona Desert Tortoises Need Homes

200 Arizona Desert Tortoises Need Homes

Most of the Sonoran desert tortoises were seized by folks who were illegally breeding them. [...]
Conservancy of Southwest Florida Celebrates 40 Years Of Sea Turtle Research

Conservancy of Southwest Florida Celebrates 40 Years Of Sea Turtle Research

The conservancy has documented around 8,200 nests in 40 years and has assisted more than 380,000 sea turtle hatchlings to get to their ocean homes. [...]
3-Legged Ploughshare Tortoise Rescued From Smugglers Makes Home At UK’s Chester Zoo

3-Legged Ploughshare Tortoise Rescued From Smugglers Makes Home At UK’s Chester Zoo

Hope was discovered in a suitcase in Hong Kong with 56 other endangered tortoises in 2019. [...]

66-Million-Year-Old Smooth-Shelled Turtle Fossil Discovered In Canada

Leiochelys tokaryki, is a nearly complete skeleton that existed during the Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) period. [...]
Saving Sea Turtles At Florida’s Loggerhead Marinelife Center

Saving Sea Turtles At Florida’s Loggerhead Marinelife Center

Sea turtles are seen as strong, brave, guardians of the Earth, but their tough shells and patient ways are fragile in the reality of the world. [...]

Fernandina Giant Tortoise Confirmed to Be New Species

Fern has now been confirmed, nearly four years later, as the only known living species of Chelonoidis phantastica [...]
Zoo Atlanta Hatches Critically Endangered Bog Turtle

Zoo Atlanta Hatches Critically Endangered Bog Turtle

The bog turtle is listed as a critically endangered species by the IUCN. [...]
Albino Galapagos Tortoise Hatches At Switzerland’s Tropiquarium of Servion

Albino Galapagos Tortoise Hatches At Switzerland’s Tropiquarium of Servion

The albino hatchling was joined by a normal sibling, which is black in coloration [...]
Captive Wildlife Permit Rules Changed In Florida

Captive Wildlife Permit Rules Changed In Florida

"Leaving Floridians’ livelihoods, businesses, hobbies and pets open to wide interpretation. . . is scary to all permit holders, especially those of us [...]
Lizard King Michael Van Nostrand Sentenced To 8 Months In Prison, Fined $100,000

Lizard King Michael Van Nostrand Sentenced To 8 Months In Prison, Fined $100,000

Van Nostrand, 55, was also ordered to immediately pay a fine of $100,000. That money will be paid directly to the Lacey Act Reward Fund. [...]
Giant Malaysian Turtle Surrendered To Wisconsin Animal Rescue

Giant Malaysian Turtle Surrendered To Wisconsin Animal Rescue

“Our ultimate goal is to get him placed in a breeding program with an accredited facility so we can keep his species from going extinct." [...]

Six Western Swamp Tortoises Hatched At Australia’s Adelaide Zoo

Threats to the Western swamp tortoise include land clearing for agriculture, pesticide and fertilizer use, housing development and fire. [...]
1 2 3 24 / 57 POSTS