Category: Lizard Care

Keeping Fat-Tailed Geckos
Fat-tailed geckos can live for more than 20 years. [...]

Tokay Gecko Care
The tokay gecko is a well-known but poorly understood, species. [...]

Carpet Chameleon Care Tips
Carpet chameleons are beautiful, easy to tame, hardy and healthy chameleons. [...]

Create a Habitat for your Chameleon
With relatively simple modifications (such as adding some appropriate plants), the right type of room can become a great home for a large chameleon. [...]

Abronia Arboreal Alligator Lizard
Expert Care For The Abronia Lizard [...]

The Frilled Dragon
Expert Care Tips For The Frilled Dragon [...]

Australian Tree Skink Care
Discover a wonderful pet lizard you've never heard about. [...]

Iguana Lifespan And Proper Care
How long will a captive green iguana live? [...]

Chinese Water Dragon Care
The Chinese water dragon is perfect for those who want a beautiful reptile for a tropical vivarium. [...]

Reptile Lighting Information
Information on how natural and artificial lighting affects reptiles. [...]

Chinese Crocodile Lizard Care Tips
Expert care tips for the Chinese crocodile lizard. [...]

Pink-Tongued Skink Care And Breeding
Tips on caring for Hemisphaeriodon gerrardii. [...]

The Insider’s Guide To The Giant Day Gecko
Phelsuma grandis makes a great pet lizard. [...]

Argus Monitor Care Information
There's never a dull moment when keeping Varanus panoptes horni. [...]

Leopard Lizard Care Tips
Gambelia wislizenii are among the underrated reptile species native to the United States. [...]

How to Build Your Own Chameleon Lizard Cage
Building your own chameleon lizard cage is often a satisfying experience. [...]

Bearded Dragon Basking Open Mouth
Why do bearded dragons bask with their mouth open? [...]

Essential Care For The Electric Blue Day Gecko
Lygodactylus williamsi requires specific care due to its dwarf size. [...]

Tegu Lizard Health
Argentine black and white tegu at the Buenos Aires Zoo. [...]

Crested Gecko Morph Madness
A variety of crested gecko morphs are created every year. [...]

Cuban False Chameleon
Care for the cryptic Cuban false chameleon. [...]

Chameleon Health Tips
Tips on keeping your chameleons healthy. [...]

Blue-Spotted Monitor
Care for the rare and challenging blue-spotted monitor (Varanus macraei). [...]

Anole Lizard Care
How do you take care of an anole lizard? [...]