Family Claims "Disney" Snake Bit Boy, Grandmother Died as Result

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Family Claims "Disney" Snake Bit Boy, Grandmother Died as Result

A family from Alabama visiting Disney’s Animal Kingdom in October 2014 claims that a snake that escaped from the theme park bit their boy, which

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A family from Alabama visiting Disney’s Animal Kingdom in October 2014 claims that a snake that escaped from the theme park bit their boy, which caused the boy’s grandmother to have a deadly heart attack. 

Eastern indigo snake


Patrick K. Campbell/Shutterstock

This is an eastern Indigo snake, one of many snake species that can be found in Florida.

Information on this alleged event is scant, but is saying that the family’s attorney Matt Morgan is filing a lawsuit on the family’s behalf. 

Disney contends that the family’s allegations are blown out of proportion. Disney says the snake was a wild, non-venomous snake and was not part of any exhibit at the Animal Kingdom. Disney also says that the family did not call for medical help for the grandmother after the alleged incident and says that after the boy was treated by a park nurse with a Band-Aid, the family went back to enjoy the park.  

 "These allegations are an utter mischaracterization of the facts,” an Animal Kingdom representative told the media.  Morgan, who is apparently a well known Orlando attorney says he will investigate the alleged incident through the Florida court system.
