Category: Wild Snakes

2016 Python Challenge Slated For Florida
In 2013 the state of Florida held a Burmese python (Python molurus bivittatus) hunt that netted 68 snakes from 1,600 hunters. The event&rsqu [...]

Real Estate Agent Who Sold “Snake Infested” Home Files Motion to Dismiss Lawsuit
Do you remember the couple who purchased a home in Annapolis, MD only to find more than 12 snakes living in it and later filed a $2 million lawsu [...]

13 Smuggled Green Tree Pythons Euthanized In Australia
Thirteen green tree pythons that were smuggled into Australia from Indonesia via the Australian Post Office were euthanized after the package the [...]
Veterinarians In Brazil Remove Calcified Egg From 16-foot Reticulated Python
A pregnant reticulated python (Python reticulatus) that had trouble laying her eggs naturally got an assist from a team of veterinarians in Brazil. Zo [...]
Human Spray Paints Rattlesnake Pink In Utah
Someone in Salt Lake City spray-painted a rattlesnake with pink paint near a construction site, in a clear sign of animal cruelty. The snake, which is [...]

What To Do If A Rattlesnake Bites You
A California mother tried to suck the venom out of her son’s leg after he got bit by a juvenile rattlesnake over the weekend of June 6-7 2015 be [...]
Hawk With Snake In Its Talons Causes Brush Fire In San Diego, Calif.
This probably never happened before but it is really interesting. A fire in San Diego, Calif. was caused by a hawk who struck a power line, was electr [...]

Man Gets Bit By Apparent Venomous Snake, Refuses To Get Treatment And Dies
Not sure what was going through the mind of Gilbert De Leon after he got bit twice by a snake May 22 while wading in the James River in Missouri, but [...]
VIdeo: Man Steps On And Gets Bitten By Snake
You know the old saying, look before you step? Well a roller rink DJ in Oklahoma apparently didn’t heed that advice as he was walking and textin [...]

Some Snakes Swallow The Darnest Things
A brown tree snake was brought to a veterinary clinic in north Queensland, Australia after a snake catcher removed it from a barbecue next to a house. [...]

Garter Snake Steals Kid’s Fish
A boy fishing on a river and caught a perch was in for a surprise when the fish got free from the hook. When the fish got free and landed on the [...]
Pro Soccer Player Removes Snake In His Backyard
Brek Shea is a heck of a professional soccer player (and U.S. National Team member) and now he can add snake handler to his resume that includes skill [...]

Two Guys Save A Garter Snake Caught In Netting
Warning! There is language in the video that is not suitable for children. If you are a child, please don’t watch the video.
Read More [...]

Michigan’s Herp Atlas Project Wants to Know Where and When You Saw a Herptile in the State
Live in Michigan? Have you seen a frog or a snake in the wild lately? If so, the state wants to know where and when as it is working on a statewide in [...]

RIP: U.S. Soldier Dies Of Venomous Snake Bite In Kenya
A U.S. Army soldier who enlisted in 2013 to serve and protect the United States was bit by a venomous snake February 19 and died.
Dep [...]
Black Pine Snake Habitat Protections Proposed By USFWS
More than 330,000 acres of critical habitat for the black pine snake (Pituophis melanoleucus lodingi) in Mississippi and Alabama has been proposed for [...]
Snake Fungal Disease Found in Michigan Rattlesnakes
Some sad news coming out of Michigan as the snake fungal disease has been confirmed in eastern massasauga rattlesnakes (Sistrurus catenatus catenatus) [...]

5 Great Costa Rican Herping Destinations
Home to around 139 species of snakes and nearly as many species of frogs and toads, Costa Rica is an incredible and popular destination for herping en [...]
Kentucky Reptile Zoo Director Survives 9th Venomous Snake Bite in 38 Years
Jim Harrison, director of the Kentucky Reptile Zoo has survived a bite from an 8-year-old South American rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus) and is back t [...]
50K People Sign Petition To Stop Georgia’s Last Rattlesnake Roundup
Center for Biological Diversity urges Whigham Community Club to switch to Humane Wildlife Festival
The last known rattlesnake roundup in the s [...]

Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake Venom Is Genetically Different Based On Location
Did you know that the venom of the eastern diamondback rattlesnake (Crotalus adamanteus) varies genetically based on where it is located? Bu [...]

Vets In India Try To Save Cobra That Killed White Tiger
A cobra that killed a white tiger in an Indian zoo was partially paralyzed in its fight with the tiger and zoo veterinarians are trying to save it. Th [...]
Man’s Best Friend In India Saved From Python By Man
A man in Kamatka, India saved his dog from the grips of an Indian rock python by whacking the snake with a leafy branch. The branch doesn’t appear to [...]

Snake Fungal Disease Confirmed In 7 Species Of Snakes
Snake Fungal Disease, first confirmed in a captive rat snake in 2006, has now been confirmed in seven species of wild snakes across the Eastern and Mi [...]