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VIdeo: Man Steps On And Gets Bitten By Snake

You know the old saying, look before you step? Well a roller rink DJ in Oklahoma apparently didn’t heed that advice as he was walking and textin

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You know the old saying, look before you step? Well a roller rink DJ in Oklahoma apparently didn’t heed that advice as he was walking and texting to work and happened to step on what the media described as a bullsnake (Pituophis catenifer sayi), (ReptilesMagazine.com readers describe it as a Texas rat snake), which in its defense, bit the man on the leg.

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Bullsnake Breeding

The entire incident was captured on close circuit television, from the steps to the accidental stomp to the reaction from the snake. The funny thing is, after the two met on the sidewalk, both did their best to escape as fast as they could. Check the video for the incident.

The snake was estimated to be about four feet in length and DJ Tim Malone got some assistance to move the snake to a nearby field.