Category: Reptile Nation Blog

USARK ALERT: Louisiana
After hearing the concerns from herpetoculturists, the Commissioners voted to table the proposal (meaning it did not pass and will be heard at a late [...]
USARK Alert: Last NARBC of 2023 This weekend in St. Louis
FWS will be considering these species to be listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA): Bornean earless monitor lizard (Lanthanotus borneensis), bl [...]

100 Million Year Old Snake With Legs Was Bigger Than Previously Thought
A very well preserved fossil of Najash rionegrina, enabled paleontologists to reassess the timeline of limbs on snakes. [...]

USARK Update: FWS Lawsuit, NARBC Tinley Park
Nearly $22,000 raised for USARK and PIJAC. [...]
USARK Working Hard In D.C.
President Phil Goss meets with House and Senate congressional members to express opposition to USFWS efforts on Lacey Act [...]
FWS Seeks NEPA Exclusion
The Obama Administration has repeatedly made a bias of compliance with the environmental impact review requirements when it serves their purposes ( [...]
Phil Goss Hired As President Of USARK
Goss has been active in the reptile hobby for more than 15 years. [...]

HR 511 ‘Python Ban’ Released By House Judiciary
This bill, if passed as currently drafted, would add 9 constricting snakes to the Injurious Wildlife List of the Lacey Act. [...]
USARK Legal Action Against FWS Constrictor Rule
USARK goal is to raise $250,000 between now and the end of the year. [...]
SB310 Up For Hearing In Ohio Again
Poorly written bill bans some reptiles while supposedly sets up permitting systems for others. [...]
Public Comment Extension Honored
USARK request for extension on public comment regarding nine large constrictor snakes will be honored. [...]
Non-Native Amphibians With Chytrid Fungus
The USFWS gets request that non-native amphibians be considered for inclusion in the injurious wildlife regulations under the Lacey Act, unless declar [...]
USARK Intern Wanted
The United States Association of Reptile Keepers (USARK) is seeking an intern. [...]
Department Of The Interior’s Partners In Conservation Award
Department of the Interior’s Partners in Conservation Award given to scientifically incorrect snake report. [...]
Louisiana House Bill 1354
Louisiana HB 1354 would require a commercial permit for anyone who wants to engage in the sale, importation, or handling of native reptile and amphibi [...]
USARK Files Appeal With The USGS
USARK Files Appeal with the USGS on Information Quality Act challenge. [...]
CNN Animal Rights Show
CNN gave animal rights radicals a platform. [...]