Category: News RSS Feed

1 11 12 13 14 15 40 312 / 948 POSTS
CPSC Asked To Recall Rocky Silent Hunter Rubber Snake Boots

CPSC Asked To Recall Rocky Silent Hunter Rubber Snake Boots

A pair of boots designed to withstand snake bites failed the bite test as a contractor who put on a pair was bitten after the snake’s fangs went [...]
Steve Irwin’s Dad Sad Over Cameraman’s Remarks About Crocodile Hunter’s Last Words

Steve Irwin’s Dad Sad Over Cameraman’s Remarks About Crocodile Hunter’s Last Words

Bob Irwin, the father of Steve Irwin told ABC News Australia in a documentary that he was sad and angered that Steve Irwin’s cameraman for 15 ye [...]
Salmonella Outbreak Linked To Crested Geckos

Salmonella Outbreak Linked To Crested Geckos

U.S. public health officials are urging crested gecko (Rhacodactylus ciliatus) owners to use common sense rather than get rid of their pet after 20 pe [...]
Long Island, NY Sees Mass Die Off Of Diamondback Terrapins

Long Island, NY Sees Mass Die Off Of Diamondback Terrapins

Hundreds of diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) have been washing up dead on beaches near Jamesport and Flanders Bay in Long Island, NY&n [...]
Dusky Gopher Frog Gets 170 Acres In Agreement With Mississippi Developer

Dusky Gopher Frog Gets 170 Acres In Agreement With Mississippi Developer

The dusky gopher frog  (Rana sevosa) has been allotted more than 170 acres of land in southern Mississippi as protected habitat after years of wr [...]

Man Leaves Python With Tongs And Python Swallows Tongs

A man in Australia was feeding his scrub python (Morelia amethistina) a rat with a pair of barbecue tongs and left the room only to return to fin [...]
Some Snakes Swallow The Darnest Things

Some Snakes Swallow The Darnest Things

A brown tree snake was brought to a veterinary clinic in north Queensland, Australia after a snake catcher removed it from a barbecue next to a house. [...]
Garter Snake Steals Kid’s Fish

Garter Snake Steals Kid’s Fish

A boy fishing on a river and caught a perch was in for a surprise when the fish got free from the hook. When the fish got free and landed on the [...]
Florida Man Arrested In Callahan Pet Store Snake Theft

Florida Man Arrested In Callahan Pet Store Snake Theft

A man who just served one year in prison for stealing and selling stolen property on Craigslist has been arrested in the theft of 13 snakes from a Nas [...]
Beardie Helps Teach Responsibility In Iowa Classroom

Beardie Helps Teach Responsibility In Iowa Classroom

The Pets in the Classroom grant program has enabled the Danville Community School District in Danville, Iowa to acquire Charlie, a bearded dragon. Cha [...]

Tortoise That Lost Legs To Rat Bites Gets Wheels

Mrs. T, a 90-year-old tortoise has a new lease on her long life after a rat chewed her front legs off. She was unable to walk and the veterinarian who [...]

Pro Soccer Player Removes Snake In His Backyard

Brek Shea is a heck of a professional soccer player (and U.S. National Team member) and now he can add snake handler to his resume that includes skill [...]

Two New Lizard Species Discovered In Chile

Two new lizard species from Chile have been discovered and described in the journal ZooKeys. Read More Three Lizards Species Discovered in Per [...]
Two Guys Save A Garter Snake Caught In Netting

Two Guys Save A Garter Snake Caught In Netting

Warning! There is language in the video that is not suitable for children. If you are a child, please don’t watch the video. Read More [...]
Aussie Teen Helps Raise Funds for New Western Swamp Tortoise Breeding Facility

Aussie Teen Helps Raise Funds for New Western Swamp Tortoise Breeding Facility

Andrew Triglavcanin, a 13-year-old from Perth, Australia has raised $400 for a new breeding facility for the western swamp tortoise (Pseudemydura umbr [...]
5 Tips To Make Everyday Earth Day For Herps

5 Tips To Make Everyday Earth Day For Herps

Today is “Earth Day” What have you done for herps to make Earth Day everyday? While the day comes once a year, the Earth and its inhabitan [...]

Houston Rockets Center Dwight Howard Keeps Snakes

NBA basketball player Dwight Howard apparently loves snakes so much that he has about 20 pet snakes, including a Boa constrictor that had babies. The [...]
New Day Gecko Species Discovered In India

New Day Gecko Species Discovered In India

Herpetologists with Osmania University in Hyderabad, India have discovered and described a new gecko species in the ruins of Hampi, a World Heritage S [...]

60 Captive Raised Myanmar Roofed Turtles Released

There is good news coming out of Myanmar (formerly Burma) as 60 captive raised Myanmar roofed turtles (Batagur trivittata), the second most endangered [...]

Critically Endangered Lake Oku Clawed Frog Bred At ZSL’s London Zoo In The UK

The Lake Oku clawed frog  (Xenopus longipes) of Cameroon has been successfully bred in captivity for the first time at the ZSL London Zoo in the Unite [...]
Mosasaur’s Gave Birth In The Ocean And Not Land As Previously Thought

Mosasaur’s Gave Birth In The Ocean And Not Land As Previously Thought

Mosasaurs (Clidastes liodontus), massive marine lizards that dominated the world’s oceans during the Late Cretaceous period are some of the most [...]

Western Pond Turtle Step Closer To Endangered Species Status

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced that Endangered Species Act protections may be warranted for the western pond turtle  (Actinemys marmorat [...]

Three Wood Lizard Species Discovered In Peru And Ecuador

Researchers have discovered three new species of wood lizards of the genus Enyalioides in the tropical Andes Mountains of Ecuador and northern Peru. R [...]

Leopard Tortoise With Severe Pyramiding Outfitted With 3-D Shell

A leopard tortoise  (Stigmochelys [Geochelone] pardalis) with severe pyramiding was outfitted with a temporary 3-D shell to help protect her now softe [...]
1 11 12 13 14 15 40 312 / 948 POSTS