Author: Site Staff
“What Do YOU Think?”
Anyone who has an idea of a cool or useful reptile/herpetology product (currently not on the market) that they think would be beneficial to herp keepi [...]

Ghann – Download Coupons
Click image for larger view.

Fire-Bellied Newt Life Cycle
Bonus content from the March 2010 REPTILES magazine article "The Newt Report." [...]
Pet Vacation Script
Create a Public Service Announcement video for Pet Vacations! [...]
Senior Pet Health Script
Create a Public Service Announcement video for Senior Pet Health! [...]
Summer Safety Script
Create a Public Service Announcement video for Summer Safety! [...]

“Herp Halloween Costume Craze!” Contest
Enter the REPTILES Halloween costume contest. [...]
California Tiger Salamander Protection
The California tiger salamander is closer to California state protection. [...]

Toads Predict Earthquake
European toads (Bufo bufo) may be able to predict earthquakes. [...]
First Frog Genome Sequenced
The Western clawed frog (Xenopus tropicalis) is the first amphibian to have its genome sequenced. [...]

Reptile Super Show
The 2008 San Diego Reptile Super Show [...]

American Toad
The tale of the tiny toad. [...]

Boa Snake Escape
Oh boa, where art thou? [...]
California Trip
My California horsebacking trip. [...]

Bufo The Destroyer
"Beelzebufo" the giant, dinosaur-eating frog species. [...]

Frog-Eyed Geckos
Meet my new frog-eyed friends. [...]
Clash Of The Geckos
By Kristin Van Alstine [...]

New Toads In Town
By Kristin Van Alstine [...]

By Kristin Van Alstine [...]

The Geckoland Gang
By Kristin Van Alstine [...]

The Lizard King
The Lizard King book review. [...]

Memorable Herps From The Past
By Kristin Van Alstine [...]
NARBC Show Tinley Park
By Kristin Van Alstine [...]