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Summer Safety Script

Create a Public Service Announcement video for Summer Safety!

Reptiles Magazine 1103
State Of The Frog
The Jakati River Skink

Hi, I’m ______ (your name) and this is _______ (your animals' names, if you include any in video) from _______ (your city and state).

Everybody loves summer, but it can bring some real dangers for our animal friends, including heatstroke and dehydration.

Here are a few ways to keep your pets and animals safe this summer:

– Give them plenty of fresh water to drink.
– Give them a shady place outdoors to get out of the sun, or keep them indoors.
– And never, ever leave your pet in the car, whether it’s for a minute or a half-hour. It could prove deadly in the summer heat.

By taking a few precautions and using common sense, this could be your best summer ever with your animal buddy. So let the fun begin – and stay safe!

This message is brought to you by AnimalNetwork.com, _________ and _________ (repeat your name and names of animals in the video).