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Photographer’s 2021 Calendar To Benefit Global Snakebite Initiative, RFDS

Australian herp photographer Ross McGibbon announced that his 2021 reptile calendar will benefit the Global Snakebite Initiative and Royal Flying Doct

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Australian herp photographer Ross McGibbon announced that his 2021 reptile calendar will benefit the Global Snakebite Initiative and Royal Flying Doctors Service in Australia. McGibbon’s calendar will feature 12 of his best images from 2020 and each will feature a reptile and will include the common name, scientific name as well as the location in which each animal was featured.

“Twenty five percent of the proceeds will be donated to the Royal Flying Doctors Service (www.flyingdoctor.org.au) and the Global Snakebite Initiative (www.snakebiteinitiative.org),” McGibbon wrote on his website. “The RFDS help countless Australians each year in need of remote medical care and the GSI are a non-profit, charitable organization working hard on many levels to ease the burden of snakebite around the world.”

“Snakebite envenoming is a particularly cruel misery inflicted on many of the most impoverished, mostly rural, populations throughout the world,” McGibbon said. “Each year, thousands of snakebite victims die, or are permanently maimed or disabled, because of a lack of effective treatments – treatments that are readily available in wealthy countries like Australia. My reason for helping both these organization is to assist Australians, as well as those abroad who are less fortunate.”

For more information on the calendar, or if you wish to purchase one, please visit https://rmrphotography.com.au/2021-calendar/