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Two-headed Chinese Cobra Born At Snake Farm In China

A two-headed snake described as a Chinese cobra (Naja atra) was said to have been born at a snake farm in southern China. The snake was brought to the

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A two-headed snake described as a Chinese cobra (Naja atra) was said to have been born at a snake farm in southern China. The snake was brought to the Nunning Zoo where zookeepers are trying to keep it alive. Since the snake was born at the beginning of the month, it has not eaten or drank. The snake has two heads but they are not closely fused like that of most two-headed snakes, but rather, the snake becomes two around mid body. It looks more like conjoined twins than a two-headed snake. It appears the snakes have separate heads and necks but probably share a stomach and other organs. 

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 "The snake has been alive for 10 days now and has been with us for two, during which time it has already changed its skin once,” said Li Keqi of the Nunning Zoo. "But even though the snake is in stable condition now, there is no way of telling whether it will be able to live on, as it still does not eat or drink water."

The Chinese cobra can be found in southern China and Taiwan, Vietnam, Laos, and even in Hong Kong. It grows to about 5 feet in length and is black and yellow in coloration. It resides primarily in woodlands, scrublands and mangroves and feeds on rodents, frogs and other snakes.