Tag: Peru
Wood Lizard Species Named After Heavy Metal Band Iron Maiden’s Lead Singer
The lizards were found in the Cordillera de Colán mountain range and the Río Marañón and Río Chiriaco basins in Peru. [...]
New Snake Species Discovered In Peru named After Harrison Ford
An unusual snake character that Tachymenoides harrisonfordi sp. n. displays, are the three longitudinal skin folds on the posterior dorsal/dorsolater [...]

New Spiny-backed Treefrog Species Discovered In Peru
Osteocephalus vasquezi features dark irises and tuberculate dorsal skin, which is brown in coloration. [...]
New Treefrog Species Of the Genus Scinax Discovered In Peru
The frog, Scinax pyroinguinis sp. nov. was described from two males that were found in the Amazon rainforest. [...]
New Lizard Species Of The Genus Proctoporus Discovered In Peru
There are 20 known species of Proctoporus, with 18 that found in Peru. [...]
Microhylid Frog Species Discovered in Peru
Synapturanus danta sp. nov., or tapir frog, is a burrower and was found underneath roots of the Clusia sp. tree. [...]
Scientists Discover New Liolaemus Lizard Species In Peru
A new species of Liolaemus lizard has been discovered in the Peruvian Andes. The lizard, named Liolaemus warjantay was found at a 4,500 meter (14,700 [...]

New Marsupial Frog Species Discovered in Peru
Researchers have discovered a new marsupial frog species in the Peruvian Amazon rainforest that is part of the Gastrotheca genus. The frog, Gastrothec [...]
World’s Highest Elevation Reptile, Liolaemus aff. tacnae, Discovered In Peru
Researchers in Peru have discovered what they believe is the world's highest altitude reptile, a species of lizard of the South American genus Liolaem [...]
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