Restoration Of Yellow-Legged Frog In Yosemite Could Take 10 Years

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Restoration Of Yellow-Legged Frog In Yosemite Could Take 10 Years

How many years will it take to restore the populations of the endangered yellow-legged frogs back into the Yosemite Valley? According to National Park

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How many years will it take to restore the populations of the endangered yellow-legged frogs back into the Yosemite Valley? According to National Park Service biologists, it could take 10 years for the population of frogs to become self sustaining, that is if the ongoing restoration efforts pay off.


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yellow-legged frog

national park service

The yellow-legged frog is being reintroduced into Yosemite National Park.

Scientists at Yosemite National Park are working on reintroducing the frog into the park, identifying lakes that are suitable habitat for the frogs and working to restore those lakes. Approximately 20 adult frogs will be reintroduced to each restored site in an effort to get the frogs to reestablish themselves in those locales. The frogs were collected from well- established populations in other areas of the park and are microchipped for tracking and other information gathering purposes. 

“The Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frog was once so numerous it was difficult to walk around a lake without stepping on them," said Yosemite Biologist Rob Grasso."Today we know these frogs are a key part of a healthy mountain lake ecosystem and we are confident that we can restore these frogs in Yosemite so that future generations can experience seeing them in high abundance once again.”

According to the Summit County Citizens Voice, seven lakes can currently support the frogs, and two of the lakes currently support the reintroduced amphibians. The scientists will reintroduce the frogs at two more sites in the next several years and are expecting the frogs to populate the other three lakes on their own. 

John B. Virata keeps a western hognose snake, a ball python, two corn snakes, a kingsnake, and two leopard geckos. His first snake, a California kingsnake, was purchased at the Pet Place in Westminster, CA for $5. His first pet reptile was a green anole that arrived in a small box via mail order. Follow him on Twitter @johnvirata