Reptile Super Show 2025 Recap

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Reptile Super Show 2025 Recap

Word on the floor was more than 15,000 attendees came through the show's doors on Saturday alone.

In between the throngs of ball python, leopard and crested gecko vendors were a variety of otherwise overlooked species that definitely caught my eye.

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The winter Reptile Super Show 2025 in Pomona, CA was likely the busiest I had ever attended. Word on the floor was Saturday saw about 15,000 attendees come through the doors of the show to see the latest reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates and associated gear to successfully keep these animals. This shows and others like it are great places to get information about your favorite animals, meet some of the best breeders in the business, and find amazing deals. You can always make a great deal at these shows.

Reptile Super Show

This year’s show was very busy with an estimated 15,000 people just on Saturday.

I attended the show on Sunday and was surprised how busy it was. The line just to get through the parking lot gate was five lanes deep, the trams were busy ferrying attendees from the parking lot to the show and the show floor itself was humming. In between the throngs of ball python, leopard and crested gecko vendors were a variety of otherwise overlooked species that definitely caught my eye.

Of particular note was Robert Bruce showcasing his indigo snakes. Bruce seemingly can be found on the same corner of the same aisle each year with his collection of holdovers for sale. He was patiently showing the big snakes to anyone who would care to clean their hands with hand sanitizer to handle them. Always gentle with the children who want to hold or touch the indigos, Bruce had several indigos for sale as he does each year.

I had a short conversation with Bob Applegate, who was helping out Willie and Linda Moran at the Moran Reptiles booth. I met Bob one time about 12 years ago when the late Russ Case introduced him to me at the San Diego Reptile Super Show. At the time, an albino California kingsnake caught my eye and I purchased it from Bob.

Rain and Reptiles at the 2015 Pomona Reptile Super Show

A Trip To The 2022 Pomona Reptile Super Show

That kingsnake is now about 13 years old. I also met Esmeralda Lueras aka Crazyfrogdivaa, her husband and daughter in a super busy aisle at the show. They showed me their latest acquisitions and are super excited about the article they wrote on poison frog care that will be in a future issue of the magazine.

I saw some beautiful eastern hognose snakes and some really nice rosy boas, I saw some hatchling sulcata tortoises and some very cool ribbed newts. Every horned frog table was mobbed with people. It was so cool to see the show so busy with people compared to the last few shows. Check out some of the videos and images from the January show.