Man Rolls Down Car Window To Save Squirrel Tree Frog From Certain Death

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Man Rolls Down Car Window To Save Squirrel Tree Frog From Certain Death

Conservation biologist David Steen is always working, even when he is going to work.

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A little squirrel treefrog (Hyla squirella) got a second chance at life after a man spotted him outside his car window while he was driving. And the man who saved the little amphibian was not just some random guy, but rather, a conservation biologist who was on his way to work!

"This morning I was driving into work when I noticed a little Squirrel Treefrog hanging on for dear life outside," David Steen, a research ecologist and conservation biologist wrote on his Twitter page. "I rolled down the window and ushered him inside where he kind of relaxed and made himself comfortable."

Steen then tweeted that when he arrived to work, he placed the frog in a ziploc bag with a moist paper towel to keep the little guy hydrated during Steen's day at work, and then, on his way home, snapped a photo of the frog strapped into the car's seat belt.

Steen's fourth tweet shows the released frog in some bushes right outside his porch. Steen's last tweet shows a frog on his door seal with the caption, "<two days later> what are the chances that this is the same frog? I swear I just found him like this."

The little frog found the perfect savior to help extend his life in what would have probably been a terrible fall from the man's moving car. Steen, being at the forefront of wildlife ecology and conservation, certainly gets some kudos. Check out Steen's Twitter feed for some fascinating observations as well as a glimpse in his work passions.