Category: Z_Import Misc
Rhode Island Reptile Rules
The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management has adopted amendments to rules governing the importation and possession of reptiles and exoti [...]

Louisiana Reptile Bills
Louisiana reptile bills: iguana regulations, surrendering of illegal animals. [...]

Deadline To Comment On Constrictor Snake Ban Approaches
The deadline to comment on the USFWS' proposal to ban nine constrictor snakes is May 11. [...]
Louisiana Reptile House Bill 1354
Louisiana to hold public hearing on House Bill 1354 targeting reptiles and amphibians. [...]

Florida Hunting Season: No Pythons Captured
No pythons were captured during Florida’s special python hunting season. [...]

Diamondback Terrapin Day
May 13, 2010, is officially Diamondback Terrapin Day. [...]
“What Do YOU Think?”
Anyone who has an idea of a cool or useful reptile/herpetology product (currently not on the market) that they think would be beneficial to herp keepi [...]

Ghann – Download Coupons
Click image for larger view.

Anole Lizard Care
How do you take care of an anole lizard? [...]
Kids And Reptiles
Reasons why kids should keep reptiles. [...]

Children And Reptiles
Q: I am thinking of purchasing a yellow ackie monitor (Acanthurus bracyurus) for my son. I have some experience with snakes but have never owned a [...]
Fun Reptile Vacations – Resources
Fun family reptile destinations. [...]

Snake Respiratory System Anatomy
Know your snake inside and out with this snake respiratory system anatomy overview. [...]

Kids Reptile Art Gallery
Come check out some young herp artists in our kid art gallery. [...]

Margaret A. Wissman, DVM, Dip. ABVP
Meet ReptileChannel "Ask the Vet" columnist Dr. Margaret Wissman. [...]
Ask The Vet Writing Guidelines
Please read these guidelines before submitting a question to Dr. Wissman. [...]

Herp Crossword Puzzles
There’s nothing like a good ol’ crossword puzzle, and there’s nothing better than a herp-themed crossword puzzle! [...]

Herp Hodgepodge
Use your herpetological detective skills to identify what herps make up the Herp Hodgepodge! [...]

You’ll laugh yourselves slimy reading these hilarious HerpToons. [...]

Herp Matching
Try out our different matching games. We bet you can’t get 100%. If you do, you’re a real reptile and amphibian genius! [...]

You Know You’re Really Into Reptiles When…Part 1
These are only a few ways to tell you’re really into Reptiles. Read our other submissions, then send us yours. [...]

You Know You’re Really Into Reptiles When…Part 2
These are only a few ways to tell you’re really into Reptiles. Read our other submissions, then send us yours. [...]

ReptileChannel Exclusives
Just for! Exclusives you can only find on
Mystery Skull Challenge