Category: Turtles & Tortoises Care
Tortoise That Lost Legs To Rat Bites Gets Wheels
Mrs. T, a 90-year-old tortoise has a new lease on her long life after a rat chewed her front legs off. She was unable to walk and the veterinarian who [...]

Does Your Tortoise Have Herpesvirus Of Tortoises, Chelonid Herpesvirus?
Herpesvirus. There are many different kinds of herpesvirus and not all of them cause overt signs of illness.
Species At-Risk
Testudo s [...]

Three-toed Box Turtle Care Sheet
Three-toed Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina triunguis)
North American three-toed box turtles are found in several states west of the Mississippi Rive [...]

Radiated Tortoise Care Sheet
Like other tortoises, radiateds need a high fiber diet with as much variety as possible. [...]

Reptile Medicine: It’s Not Always Fun
As a veterinarian, I have certainly experienced “miracle” cases—those in which animals survive and thrive regardless of the odds&mda [...]
Leopard Tortoise With Severe Pyramiding Outfitted With 3-D Shell
A leopard tortoise (Stigmochelys [Geochelone] pardalis) with severe pyramiding was outfitted with a temporary 3-D shell to help protect her now softe [...]

A Peek Inside The Turtle Conservancy
In 2004, John L. Behler (1943-2006), then curator of reptiles at the Bronx Zoo in New York City, sought out conservationist Eric Goode to ask whether [...]

Top 20 Popular Herps
Which one of these reptiles and amphibians is right for you? [...]

Soft-Shelled Turtle Information And Care
With a nose like a snorkel and the ability to breathe underwater like a fish, the soft-shelled turtle is in a league of its own and requires unique ca [...]

Keeping The Radiated Tortoise
Captive breeding makes the critically endangered radiated tortoise available to enthusiasts.
There is no vertebrate group facing greater survi [...]

Keeping the African Spurred Tortoise
One of the most popular tortoises in the pet trade is the African spurred tortoise (Geochelone sulcata), because of its outgoing and animated personal [...]

West African Mud Turtle Information And Care
Because reptile enthusiasts usually focus their attention on the more attractive species, the less impactful animals often go unnoticed. Unfortunately [...]

Russian Tortoise Care Tips
The popular Russian tortoise (Agrionemys [Testudo] horsfieldii) is a small tortoise native to many different countries—not just Russia, but also [...]

The Vet Report: Sulcata Tortoise Spine Abnormality
Dear Dr. Mader,
I am a tortoise enthusiast and a huge fan of yours. I am in the process of finishing my prerequisite courses for veterinary sch [...]

West African Mud Turtle Care Sheet
West African Mud Turtle (Pelusios castaneus)
The West African mud turtle is a medium sized, aquatic turtle found throughout West Africa. Highly ada [...]

Expert Tips On Keeping The Narrow-Bridged Musk Turtle
Exactly what is a Claudius? Proponents of one side of the argument feel that Claudius is a monotypic staurotypine musk turtle, a turtle most closely a [...]

Egyptian Tortoise Care Tips
The Egyptian tortoise is a challenging tortoise to keep, and it is not for the inexperienced keeper. [...]

Golden Thread Turtle Care Tips
Although Ocadia sinensis is endangered in the wild, it is available in the hobby. Captive-bred turtles are your best bet. [...]

The Endangered Forsten’s Tortoise
Expert care for this Indonesian tortoise. [...]

Bog Turtle Information
The bog turtle is one of North America’s smallest turtle species is also one of its rarest. [...]

Pancake Tortoise Information
Pancake tortoises are unlike any other tortoise in the world. [...]

Get The Most Out Of Your Next Reptile Vet Visit
No matter what brings you into a vet’s office, ask questions, and be comfortable with the choices you make. [...]

Keeping a Turtle? Here are Some Tips All New Turtlekeepers Need To Know
By purchasing a turtle, you are making a commitment to their care — and doing so for the long haul. [...]

Golden Greek Tortoises
If properly cared for, golden greek tortoises make a long-lived and rewarding companion animal. [...]