Category: Turtles & Tortoises Care

1 2 3 4 5 72 / 108 POSTS

Tortoise That Lost Legs To Rat Bites Gets Wheels

Mrs. T, a 90-year-old tortoise has a new lease on her long life after a rat chewed her front legs off. She was unable to walk and the veterinarian who [...]
Does Your Tortoise Have Herpesvirus Of Tortoises, Chelonid Herpesvirus?

Does Your Tortoise Have Herpesvirus Of Tortoises, Chelonid Herpesvirus?

Causes Herpesvirus. There are many different kinds of herpesvirus and not all of them cause overt signs of illness. Species At-Risk Testudo s [...]
Three-toed Box Turtle Care Sheet

Three-toed Box Turtle Care Sheet

Three-toed Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina triunguis) North American three-toed box turtles are found in several states west of the Mississippi Rive [...]
Radiated Tortoise Care Sheet

Radiated Tortoise Care Sheet

Like other tortoises, radiateds need a high fiber diet with as much variety as possible. [...]
Reptile Medicine: It’s Not Always Fun

Reptile Medicine: It’s Not Always Fun

As a veterinarian, I have certainly experienced “miracle” cases—those in which animals survive and thrive regardless of the odds&mda [...]

Leopard Tortoise With Severe Pyramiding Outfitted With 3-D Shell

A leopard tortoise  (Stigmochelys [Geochelone] pardalis) with severe pyramiding was outfitted with a temporary 3-D shell to help protect her now softe [...]
A Peek Inside The Turtle Conservancy

A Peek Inside The Turtle Conservancy

In 2004, John L. Behler (1943-2006), then curator of reptiles at the Bronx Zoo in New York City, sought out conservationist Eric Goode to ask whether [...]
Top 20 Popular Herps

Top 20 Popular Herps

Which one of these reptiles and amphibians is right for you? [...]
Soft-Shelled Turtle Information And Care

Soft-Shelled Turtle Information And Care

With a nose like a snorkel and the ability to breathe underwater like a fish, the soft-shelled turtle is in a league of its own and requires unique ca [...]
Keeping The Radiated Tortoise

Keeping The Radiated Tortoise

Captive breeding makes the critically endangered radiated tortoise available to enthusiasts. There is no vertebrate group facing greater survi [...]
Keeping the African Spurred Tortoise

Keeping the African Spurred Tortoise

One of the most popular tortoises in the pet trade is the African spurred tortoise (Geochelone sulcata), because of its outgoing and animated personal [...]
West African Mud Turtle Information And Care

West African Mud Turtle Information And Care

Because reptile enthusiasts usually focus their attention on the more attractive species, the less impactful animals often go unnoticed. Unfortunately [...]
Russian Tortoise Care Tips

Russian Tortoise Care Tips

The popular Russian tortoise (Agrionemys [Testudo] horsfieldii) is a small tortoise native to many different countries—not just Russia, but also [...]
The Vet Report: Sulcata Tortoise Spine Abnormality

The Vet Report: Sulcata Tortoise Spine Abnormality

Dear Dr. Mader, I am a tortoise enthusiast and a huge fan of yours. I am in the process of finishing my prerequisite courses for veterinary sch [...]
West African Mud Turtle Care Sheet

West African Mud Turtle Care Sheet

West African Mud Turtle (Pelusios castaneus) The West African mud turtle is a medium sized, aquatic turtle found throughout West Africa. Highly ada [...]
Expert Tips On Keeping The Narrow-Bridged Musk Turtle

Expert Tips On Keeping The Narrow-Bridged Musk Turtle

Exactly what is a Claudius? Proponents of one side of the argument feel that Claudius is a monotypic staurotypine musk turtle, a turtle most closely a [...]
Egyptian Tortoise Care Tips

Egyptian Tortoise Care Tips

The Egyptian tortoise is a challenging tortoise to keep, and it is not for the inexperienced keeper. [...]
Golden Thread Turtle Care Tips

Golden Thread Turtle Care Tips

Although Ocadia sinensis is endangered in the wild, it is available in the hobby. Captive-bred turtles are your best bet. [...]
Bog Turtle Information

Bog Turtle Information

The bog turtle is one of North America’s smallest turtle species is also one of its rarest. [...]
Pancake Tortoise Information

Pancake Tortoise Information

Pancake tortoises are unlike any other tortoise in the world. [...]
Get The Most Out Of Your Next Reptile Vet Visit

Get The Most Out Of Your Next Reptile Vet Visit

No matter what brings you into a vet’s office, ask questions, and be comfortable with the choices you make. [...]
Keeping a Turtle? Here are Some Tips All New Turtlekeepers Need To Know

Keeping a Turtle? Here are Some Tips All New Turtlekeepers Need To Know

By purchasing a turtle, you are making a commitment to their care — and doing so for the long haul. [...]
Golden Greek Tortoises

Golden Greek Tortoises

If properly cared for, golden greek tortoises make a long-lived and rewarding companion animal. [...]
1 2 3 4 5 72 / 108 POSTS