Category: Frog & Amphibian Resources
Four Unbelievably Adapted Salamanders
Salamanders are some of the most diverse creatures on the planet. Being densely populated in North America's Appalachian Mountains, they are also foun [...]

Five Great Beginner Pet Frogs
Frogs (and toads) are often the very first herp that keepers interact with. Mine were toads that I caught in the neighborhood canal near my school. We [...]

Poison Frogs: How Dangerous?
Wild poison frogs are poisonous due to the insects they eat. [...]

Exotic Insect Feeders For Your Herps
Silkworm larvae, tomato hornworms, Phoenix worms, locusts, fruit flies, cock roaches--your lizards and frogs will eat them [...]

Toads Of The United States
If you want to keep any of the common North American toads as pets, keep in mind that they hide most of the time. [...]

Field Research Adventures With The Red Hills Salamander
In the world of reptile and amphibian field research, looking for salamanders can be fun and rewarding, but doesn’t immediately come to mind as [...]

Herping The Florida Chorus Frog
The Florida chorus frog (Pseudacris nigrita) is one of the prettiest little frogs I have ever encountered, and yet one of the hardest to find, even th [...]
Poison Frogs Of The Genus Mantella
How to identify and care for mantella frogs. [...]

SAVE THE FROGS! Grand Opening Celebration Slated for March 29 in Berkeley, Calif.
Grand opening celebration will include a frogging expedition in Strawberry Canyon. [...]

Herp Society And Reptile Club Listings
National and International Herp Societies and Reptile Clubs [...]

Reptile Retailer Spotlight: Elmwood, New Jersey's Route 4 Aquarium
Imagine a pet store that will actually customize an enclosure just for you. That is just one of the many services that Joe Aversa’s Route 4 A [...]
Building a Simple Herp Enclosure
How to build a simple enclosure for your reptile or amphibian. [...]

LLL Reptile And Supply Company In California
The staff at LLLReptile is ready to assist customers every step of the way. [...]

Rethinking Reptile Lighting
In the early 1940s, our knowledge of the effects of light on reptiles and amphibians was very limited. It w [...]
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