Category: Article Import 3

Handling The Fire-Bellied Toad
Like many frogs, Bombina orientalis produces skin toxins that could be harmful and should be handled with care. [...]

Feed Your Fire-Bellied Toads The Right Foods
The oriental fire bellied toad can eat a diet of crickets and waxworms. [...]

Choosing The Right Terrarium For Your Oriental Fire-Bellied Toad
Tips on selecting the right enclosure for Bombina orientalis. [...]

Selecting A Pet Oriental Fire-Bellied Toad
Bombina orientalis make wonderful pet toads provided you choose the right ones. [...]

Popular Amphibians: Oriental Fire-Bellied Toad
Frog Facts: All About Bombina orientalis [...]

Pink-Tongued Skink Care And Breeding
Tips on caring for Hemisphaeriodon gerrardii. [...]

Care Tips For The Golden Dart Frog
Habitat, feeding and breeding tips for Phyllobates terribilis. [...]

Three-Toed Box Turtle Brumation
Brumation is common for box turtles throughout most of their natural range. The lack of food, cold weather and dry conditions all conspire t [...]

Save The Frogs Day Set For April 28
Worldwide event to raise awareness of amphibian extinctions. [...]
Caring For The Boelen’s Python
Continued research and the sharing of information are crucial to the future of the Boelen's python in captivity. [...]
Tankmates For The Surinam Underwater Toad
All things considered, there are no good tankmates for the SUT. [...]

Amphibian Diseases: Parasites
If a frog or salamander eats but loses weight, has watery feces, or is active but eats poorly, parasites are a possible cause of disease. [...]

Amphibian Diseases: Velvet Disease
Velvet disease, a type of skin infection better known in fish, also infects aquatic amphibians. [...]

Amphibian Diseases: Bacterial And Viral Infections
When seeking treatment, veterinarians specialized in treating reptiles have the general background to effectively treat amphibians if they have the re [...]

Argus Monitor Care Information
There's never a dull moment when keeping Varanus panoptes horni. [...]

Leopard Lizard Care Tips
Gambelia wislizenii are among the underrated reptile species native to the United States. [...]

Indoor Tortoise And Turtle Table Housing
Make your indoor tortoise or turtle table housing stand out. [...]

Bearded Dragon Basking Open Mouth
Why do bearded dragons bask with their mouth open? [...]
Petition To Overturn The “Python Ban” Started On White House Website
Reptile lovers can sign petition in hopes of overturning ban. [...]
Care Tips For The Vietnamese Mossy Frog
Theloderma corticale are easy to keep, trouble free, and make great display animals. [...]
Top 10 Articles In 2011
Discover the top reptile articles that kept animal keepers and enthusiasts clicking for more on in 2011. [...]