Author: Site Staff
S. 373 Python Ban
Senate Bill 373 passes committee. [...]

The Animal Rights Industry
It’s not what you think. [...]
Why USARK?… Why Now?
USARK has created a vehicle to oppose the destructive trend in the reptile industry. [...]
USFWS And Nine Large Constrictor Snakes
USFWS announced they want to add nine large constrictors to the Injurious Wildlife list of the Lacey Act. [...]
USFWS Nine Constrictors Rule Change Public Comment
Make an effective and impactful public comment on the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) proposed “Rule Change” regarding the nine constr [...]

Running Among Reptiles
My third and final blog about the 2009 National Reptile Breeders’ Expo in Daytona. [...]

Struggling To Daytona Reptile Show
If you see me on your flight to the Daytona Beach reptile expo next year, consider changing planes. [...]

Being Russ Case
The portal into Russ Case's mind is open. [...]

Singin’ The Blues
Bearded dragons and leopard geckos rule, but blue-tongued skinks are good beginner lizards, too. [...]

Box Turtles
They can be great pets, but leave them in the wild. [...]

Latest On Frog Deaths
Important new information about frog deaths has come to light. [...]

Crested Geckos
Crested geckos continue to grow in popularity. [...]