Author: Paul Vander Schouw

Keeping The Kwangtung Turtle
The Kwangtung turtle is critically endangered and in need of
conservation efforts. [...]

Map Turtle Care And Information
Map turtles are as remarkable in their diversity as they are in their behavior. [...]

Reeve’s Turtle Care Sheet
Reeve’s Turtle (Mauremys reevesii)
Reeve’s turtle is the smallest member of the genus Mauremys, one of the largest genera of the O [...]

Bog Turtle Information
The bog turtle is one of North America’s smallest turtle species is also one of its rarest. [...]

Painted Turtle Care Sheet
Care sheet for the painted turtles (Chrysemys picta ssp. and C. dorsalis)

Reeve's Turtle Care
What the Reeve’s turtle lacks in striking coloration it more than makes up for in personality. [...]

How To Care For Soft-shelled Turtles
Soft-shelled turtles are fairly easy to care for, but they get big and can be aggressive. [...]

Softshell Turtles Around The World
Softshell turtles are one of the most widespread varieties of turtle in the world. Within the family Trionchidae, there are more than a dozen recogniz [...]

The Five Most Important Things To Do When Keeping Aquatic Turtles
Expert tips on keeping aquatic turtles. [...]

Alligator Snapping Turtle Info
Information on the alligator snapping turtle. [...]
Precious And Tiny
Top care for the bog turtle. [...]

Breeding The Western Painted Turtle (Chrysemys Picta Bellii)
Western painted turtle breeding tips. [...]

Breeding The Golden Thread Turtle
Expert breeding information on the golden thread turtle. [...]

Breeding The Mexican Giant Mud Turtle
Expert tips on breeding the Mexican giant mud turtle. [...]
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