Category: Turtle & Tortoise Resources

Reeve's Turtle Care
What the Reeve’s turtle lacks in striking coloration it more than makes up for in personality. [...]

Home's Hingeback Tortoise
Care information for the Homne's Hingeback tortoise. [...]

Herp Society And Reptile Club Listings
National and International Herp Societies and Reptile Clubs [...]
Building a Simple Herp Enclosure
How to build a simple enclosure for your reptile or amphibian. [...]

Petco And Concordia Turtle Farm Launches Turtle Relinquishment Program
In effort to reduce number of Salmonella infections, Petco will accept any aquatic turtle from those who wish to give them up. [...]

Rethinking Reptile Lighting
In the early 1940s, our knowledge of the effects of light on reptiles and amphibians was very limited. It w [...]
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