Author: Margaret A. Wissman, DVM, DABVP
Help: Prolapsed Hemipenis In Snake
What causes, and how do you treat, a prolapsed hemipenis in a snake? [...]
Snake Virus Paramyxovirus
I had a 5-month-old ball python that has died of, I’ve been told, “parvo mixa.” I cannot find any information on this disease. Pl [...]
Garter Snake Won't Drink
Young albino garter snake won't drink and spits clear fluid. [...]
Dried Out Turtle Shell
I will try to help you with your box turtle. I don’t have a lot to go on, but my suspicion is that the water soaking isn’t causing the [...]
Gasping Reptile
It looks like my red-eared slider is stretching out her neck and trying to swallow like she has something stuck in her throat. She holds her front [...]
Herp Lacking Vitamin A
I bought a baby turtle a month ago. She has been doing fine until today when I noticed that her eyes are not shining as usual. Her eyelids are somehow [...]

Map Turtle Sneezing
I recently bought two map turtles – a yellow -belliedy map turtle and a false map turtle. My false map turtle has been breathing through its [...]
Tortoise Personal Health Issue
I am concerned because my reptile has been dragging his privates all day. [...]

Turtle Foot Problem
I have a painted turtle whose feet look soggy and have turned a white color. The back feet are almost completely covered and the front feet are par [...]
Turtle With Worms: I have noticed a very thin, white-clear, stringlike material coming out of my reptile's cloaca. What is this?
I have a red-eared slider that is about 2 years old. I believe it is a female and has a shell width of approximately 6 inches. Recently I have been [...]

Anole Lizard Care
How do you take care of an anole lizard? [...]

The Extras in Owning a Lizard
What would be a good first lizard? Would it get along with my dog? [...]

Children And Reptiles
Q: I am thinking of purchasing a yellow ackie monitor (Acanthurus bracyurus) for my son. I have some experience with snakes but have never owned a [...]

Beginner Lizard Care
Your new lizard requires specific items for good care. [...]
Ask The Vet Writing Guidelines
Please read these guidelines before submitting a question to Dr. Wissman. [...]

Nutritional Secondary Hyperparathyroidism In Reptiles
Supplement to the May 2008 REPTILES magazine article "When the Lights Go Out." [...]
Reptile Egg Retention
My snake had her prelay shed and I can see four eggs in her. She started having contraction, but later stopped. What should I do? [...]

Breeding Bearded Dragons
What's involved with breeding bearded dragon lizards? [...]
Reptiles And Amphibians Living Together
Can I keep reptile and amphibians together? [...]
Testing Dart Frog Fecal Matter
How do you test dart frog fecal matter? [...]
Bearded Dragon With Swollen, Irritated Beard
Why would my bearded dragon get a swollen, irritated beard? [...]

Bearded Dragon Digging
Any Information you can give me about bearded dragons would be very helpful. [...]

Beta Carotene And Lizards
Will certain vitamins help intensify the coloration of my lizard? [...]

Leopard Gecko Cage Sand
Is calcium sand OK to use for my leopard gecko? Is sand OK to use? [...]