Author: Douglas R. Mader, MS, DVM, DABVP (C/F, R/A), DECZM (Herpetology)

The Vet Report: Salmonella In Reptiles
In the 1970s, red-eared sliders were so popular in the pet trade that they were actually raised in human sewage ponds —hence the source of the Salmone [...]

A Crocodilian Christmas
Years ago, I always liked to take the emergency shift during holidays so that my associate doctors could spend time with their families. At the time m [...]

The Vet Report: Routine Blood Testing In Reptiles Is Encouraged
"Bad laboratory data are worse than no laboratory data at all." Considering the variety of species of herp patients that I see, I think [...]

Snake Health 101
The first publication on the “Diseases of Reptiles” was written by a medical doctor, not a veterinarian, and was a total of four pages lon [...]

The Vet Report: Fluid Therapy In Reptiles
Dehydration is a common and serious problem in herps, and I am frequently asked about or presented with herps that are in need of fluid supplementatio [...]

Poached Sea Turtle Eggs
I suspect that almost anyone with an Internet connection has seen the images of native Central Americans appearing to poach sea turtle eggs from the b [...]
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