Author: Devin Edmonds

Tiger-Leg Monkey Frog Information And Care
If you have the basics of tree frog husbandry down and are looking for a new project, give tiger-legs some serious consideration. [...]

Care And Breeding Africa’s Colorful Reed Frogs
Reed frogs are well known for the diversity of their appearance. [...]

The Fire-Bellied Toad
Some hobbyists have a tendency to look down upon fire-bellied toads. They’re for beginners, they say, a cheap alternative to more exotic species [...]

Amazon Milk Frog Care Sheet
Also known as the Amazonian milk frog or panda bear tree frog due to the contrasting black and white coloration of juveniles, Trachycephalus resinific [...]
Tiger-leg Monkey Frog Care Sheet
Native to the Amazon Rainforest, the tiger-leg monkey frog (Phyllomedusa tomopterna) is an attractive and interesting amphibian to keep in captivity [...]
Poison Frogs Of The Genus Mantella
How to identify and care for mantella frogs. [...]

Amazon Milk Frog Housing And Care
If you are searching for a new amphibian pet or project, take some time to consider milk frogs [...]

How To Build A Poison Frog Terrarium
Create a beautiful poison frog habitat in these 10 easy steps. [...]

Breeding Blue-back Reed Frogs
Brilliant and blue, Heterixalus madagascariensis is a frog worth breeding. [...]

Breeding Amazon Milk Frogs
Secrets to captive propagation of Trachycephalus resinifictrix [...]

How To Breed Tiger-Leg Monkey Frogs In Captivity
Breeding Phyllomedusa hypochondrialis is not difficult as long as you follow these tips. [...]

Breeding Red-Eyed Treefrogs: Tips and Tricks
Bonus content from the August 2011 REPTILES magazine article "Ready for Red-Eyes?" [...]
10 Steps To The Tropics
Create a poison frog terrarium with ease. [...]

White’s Treefrogs
Although dumpy, White’s treefrogs are also hardy, comical and popular. [...]
Five-Alarm Frog
The tomato frog’s appearance is guaranteed to grab your attention. [...]

Breeding Mantellas
Expert tips on breeding mantellas. [...]
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