Comedian Kevin Hart Freaks As Ice Cube Handles A Black-headed Python

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Comedian Kevin Hart Freaks As Ice Cube Handles A Black-headed Python

“Look at that face look at that face? Why his face all black like that? Cube’s about to die!”

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If comedian Kevin Hart would have watched the 1990s hit “Anaconda” he would have known that Ice Cube’s character Danny Rich dispatches the biggest Anaconda to roam the Amazon. But Hart obviously didn’t see the movie as an episode of Australia’s Today show divulged February 8. Hart and Ice Cube were on a press junket promoting their film "Ride Along 2" when they stopped at the Australia Today studios for an appearance that somehow involved one of Australia's most beautiful snakes, the black-headed python. During the taping, Hart was screaming as Ice Cube handles, with ease, the very large snake. 

Hart goes absolutely nuts during the show, staying all the way across the room, as Cube, the snake expert that he, is has no problem holding the beautiful black-headed python for a few moments as Hart screams all kinds of nonsense to his co-star. The handler of the snake even tells Hart that the snake isn't going to hurt anyone, but Hart wouldn't have any of it. “Look at that face look at that face? Why his face all black like that? Cube’s about to die!”

Not sure if American reptile lovers have seen the clip since it takes place Down Under, but for those who haven’t seen Kevin Hart lose it as Ice Cube holds the black-headed python, check it out.