What To Do If Bit By A RattlesnakeTreatment of Pitviper Envenomation in the Rural Southwestern U.S.runs June 23-24, 2023

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What To Do If Bit By A Rattlesnake

What to do as you seek medical help.

Treatment of Pitviper Envenomation in the Rural Southwestern U.S. runs June 23-24, 2023.

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Those seeking fame on social media handling (and sometimes mishandling) venomous snakes such as rattlesnakes should definitely attend the conference, “Treatment of Pitviper Envenomation in the Rural Southwestern U.S.” June 23-24 , 2023. If you get bit by a rattlesnake, experts agree that first you should follow these three steps:

1. Immediately seek medical care/ call 911
2. Remove anything that restricts blood flow, such as watches, jewelry, collars, reins (if your horse got bit)
3.Keep the area that got bit at the same level or above the heart

The things that you should NOT do:
1. Do not apply suction heat pressure or tourniquets to the would area
2. Do not administer Benadryl, aspirin, steroids, or antibiotics.
3. Do not stimulate the would area with a car battery and don’t cut into the bite as that could lead to infections and permanent tissue damage.

These steps and others will be discussed at the symposium “Treatment of Pitviper Envenomation in the Rural Southwestern U.S.” June 23-24 , 2023 at the Chiricahua Desert Museum in Rodeo, NM. More than a dozen experts on snake bites, including medical doctors, venomologists, and veterinarians will discuss pre-hospital treatment for rattlesnake bites at this event. The event will be hosted by Dr. Gordon W. Schuett, Dr. William K. Hayes, Bob Ashley, and Dr. Charles F. Smith.

The symposium is for anyone who wishes to learn pre-hospital treatment for rattlesnake bites in people, dogs, cats, horses and other animals.

“This meeting will be especially helpful to medical personnel of the rural areas in this region, but we welcome anyone to attend, from ranchers and schoolteachers to students and daycare providers,” said Gordon W. Schuett, the event’s lead planner. “Good information saves lives, he said.”

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The experts, doctors and scientists who will speak at the two day event include Daniel E. Keyler, Spencer C. Greene, Sarah Carotenuto, Nicklaus P. Brandehoff, Stephen P. Mackessy, Michael Cardwell, William K. Hayes, Jude T. McNally, Sean P. Bush, Craig W. Woods, Elda E. Sanchez, and Kimberly Wyatt.

The cost to attend the symposium is $199. For more information, visit https://www.geronimoevent.com.