USARK Constrictor Rule Update: July 14, 2014

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USARK Constrictor Rule Update: July 14, 2014

Deadline is July 24. Comment NOW

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Various letters can be printed, signed and mailed Even better, you can copy and paste from these letters and personalize them. HSUS and other groups are mercilessly trying to add these species and destroy the reptile pet community (see related story below). Fight back! Also, comment online through the link below.

All Americans who appreciate their freedom to have pets should be commenting. This may only affect big snake keepers now, but any species could be the next target. The entire pet community is being picked apart as not enough people are actively protecting their freedoms. Support your pet community and comment today! View this information on our website at

Over 80 million American households have pets. Over five million of those have pet reptiles. There should be tens or hundreds of thousands of comments made against adding additional species to the Constrictor Rule.

All information is at

HSUS is pushing for the Constrictor Ban

If you missed this critical posting from USARK, you can read it at They provide fiction and we provide facts.

West Virginia Updates

USARK has remained active in West Virginia after the passing of their Dangerous Wild Animals Act. The final proposed list of animals has been presented and includes thousands of species. The 5 page list includes entire Orders and Families, rather than just single species. Common pets on the list include all Tetra fish, hamsters (only one species is excluded), hedgehogs, all turtles and tortoises (except WV native species), all salamanders and newts, ferrets, all Goby fish, Sugar gliders and many more. The list can be viewed at Pet keepers with these species will be subject to a $100 annual permit per animal, among other restrictions.

USARK will provide updates, letters, FAQ and more on the dedicated page located at

It would take 64 pages to list individually all the reptile and amphibian species proposed to be banned by WV Prop. Rule 61-30. (That's on 8.5" x 11" paper, single spaced, small font, with one line for the scientific and common name for each species). There are 1008 reptiles and 2185 amphibians included in the proposed ban. Reptiles and amphibians occupy less than 20% of the space on the proposed list. The list also includes broad scientific categories of birds, crayfish, snails, fish and mammals.

This fight continues and the 30 day comment period began last week (as we announced on Facebook HERE). Please join the group at for frequent updates.

Thanks to the dedicated work of Rick Stanley, Jennifer Phillips Ozzbourne, the Meador family and numerous other WV herpers, efforts already have a solid foundation and continue to increase. 

Reptile Bowl-A-Rama

A second bowling fundraiser presented by S.C.H.A.R. is happening Monday, August 11 in Fullerton, CA following the Pomona Reptile Super Show. The first event was great and brought many people from the reptile community together for a night of fun and comradery. Get more details below and at

Daytona National Reptile Breeders' Expo

This show celebrates it's 25th anniversary in 2014! It happens August 15-17 in Daytona, FL. Thanks to show promoter Wayne Hill, the NRBE auction has raised $100,000 to benefit USARK. NRBE auctions have benefited many other organizations and conservation efforts, too. Get more details at

International Herpetological Symposium (IHS)

The 37th IHS hits Riverside, CA on July 16-19. This event includes talks from noted herpers including Bill Love, Russ Gurley, Sean Bush, Jeff Lemm, Jim Harrison, Brian Barczyk and many others. This year will also include a chance to visit the L.A. Zoo and field-herping opportunities. Get all the details at and Like their Facebook page at

Other News/Events

NARBC Arlington: September 27-28 in Arlington, Texas. Get more details at

NARBC Anaheim: September 6-7 in Anaheim, CA. Get show information at

SEWERFEST Reptile Show: August 3 in Sturtevant WI. Show details at

Midwest Herpetological Symposium: October 17-19 in Indianapolis, IN. Discount for registration before Sept. 1. Get more details at

National Amphibian Expo: August 9 in Indianapolis, IN. Get more details at and buy shirts at

Reptile Super Show: August 9-10 in Pomona, CA. Get more details at

Austin Reptile Expo: August 23-24 in Round Rock, TX. More information at

Cin City Reptile Show: July 13th in Mason, OH. More details at

Indiana Reptile Breeders' Expo: July 20 in Clarksville, IN. More details at

All Ohio Reptile Show: July 19 in Columbus, OH. More details at