Tag: Texas horned lizard
617 Texas Horned Lizards Released By Fort Worth Zoo In 2024
The release is part of an efforts with the zoo’s Texas horned lizard conservation program, the texas Parks and Wildlife Department, and other zoo part [...]

50 Juvenile Texas Horned Lizards Released By San Antonio Zoo and Zoo Miami
The Texas horned lizards were approximate 2.5 to 3.5 months old at the time of the release and weighed between 3.4 and 12 grams. [...]
Caldwell Zoo In Texas Announces New Texas Horned Lizard Hatch
These lizards are an important part of the ecosystem and really, a cherished part of Texas lore. [...]

34 Texas Horned Lizards Released By San Antonio Zoo
The San Antonio Zoo announced that it has released 34 Texas horned lizards that were captive bred as part of the zoo’s Center for Conservation and Res [...]
27 Texas Horned Lizards Released Into The Wild
Once abundant in much of the Southwest, the Texas horned lizard has disappeared from much of its range in Texas and Oklahoma. [...]
Reintroducing Texas Horned Lizards Into The Wild
Once abundant in much of the Southwest, the Texas horned lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum) has disappeared from much of its range in Texas. [...]
204 Texas Horned Lizards Released Into The Wild
A hatchling Texas horned lizard. Photo by Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
The Fort Worth Zoo and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, along [...]

Texas Horned Lizard In Decline
West Texas is only part of state where numbers of Phrynosoma cornutum are steady. [...]
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