Tag: captive bred
41 Eastern Indigo Snakes Released Into Florida’s Apalachicola Bluffs and Ravines Preserve
These snakes were captive bred and hatched at the Central Florida Zoo & Botanical Gardens’ Orianne Center for Indigo Conservation. [...]

Two Critically Endangered Bog Turtles Hatch at Zoo Atlanta
Zoo Atlanta announced March 9 that a pair of bog turtles (Glyptemys muhlenbergii) have hatched at the zoo’s breeding facility in Atlanta. The turtles, [...]
10 Captive-Bred Asian Giant Tortoises Released Into The Wild
Manouria emys phayrei is the largest tortoise in Asia. [...]
140 Sand Lizards Released Into The Wild In The UK
140 sand lizards were released in September 2021. Photo courtesy Forestry England, Marwell Zoo and Amphibian and Reptile Conservation
The wild sand [...]
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