NARBC Reptile Show


NARBC Reptile Show

When I'm at the NARBC reptile show, I feel like a kid in a candy store.

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Every year the North American Reptile Breeders Conference & Trade Show (NARBC) rolls into Anaheim, Calif., and every year I have to remind myself not to go what I call Critter Crazy. Standing in a room packed with all those colorful and fascinating reptiles can make you feel a lot like a kid in the candy store. It takes a great deal of effort for me to resist the urge to bring home every animal I can get my hands on. This is made twice as hard by the fact that the NARBC is held at the Anaheim Convention Center, which is no more than 20 minutes from my office and 40 minutes from my home. Hypothetically speaking, I could make several trips to transport new animals.

If you’ve attended one of these great events before, you know that not only will you see morphs galore, but you will also have the opportunity to learn from some of the premiere experts in their fields. This year is no exception. On Saturday, September 5th, Frank Retes, Mark Wolfson, Philippe de Vosjoli and Julie Bergman will each give their own presentations. And on Sunday, September 6th, Drew Rheinhardt and Richard Funk, DVM, will speak respectively.

I would urge anyone to attend the NARBC for the great speakers alone. Even if you are not looking to spend the day begging your spouse to understand as you buy (just) one more herp, you can learn a great deal about the latest research and breeding techniques.

Don’t despair if you cannot make it to the Anaheim event, the NARBC also comes to Chicago, Ill., on October 10th and 11th, and Arlington, Texas, on March 13th and 14th. For more information, visit narbc.comMore Reptile Events>>

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