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Massachusetts Woman Continues Search For Her Lost Tegu Lizard

Tiggs the tegu went missing July 31.

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A woman in Wilmington, MA is still searching for her lost Argentine black and white tegu (Salvator merianae), who escaped his outdoor enclosure July 31. The 3.5-foot lizard is four years old, and his keeper, Liz Rose, has had him since he was a hatchling. 

“I’m really frustrated," Rose, told The Lowell Sun. “I’m honestly having nightmares that he's hurt somewhere," she said. "I'm really attached to him, so I just want him back.

Rose has spent the last several days searching for the reptile, named Tiggs, in the woods near her home, posted up fliers in her community, as well as placing images of her wayward reptile on social media, but still no clue of Tiggs. She has even placed food traps in hopes that he will get hungry and is getting tips from a tegu hunter in Florida on how to catch the reptile.

There's so many places he could hide," Rose said.

If you see the lizard, Rose says not to approach him and may bite if somebody tries to handle him. Call Wilmington Animal Control at 978-658-5071.

Salvator Tegu Species

Tegus can reach five feet in length and weigh 8 to 15 pounds. They can live 12-20 years in captivity and are avid diggers and climbers, which is probably how the Fontana tegu escaped its enclosure