Louisville Nature Center Wants Its Stolen Box Turtles Returneda thief or thieves broke into the Louisville Nature Center’s outdoor box turtle enclosure and stole two of its box turtles.

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Louisville Nature Center Wants Its Stolen Box Turtles Returned

It appears that Chocolate has been found, but Jack is still missing.

The turtles, named Jack and Chocolate have been at the Kentucky nature center for several years.

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Last weekend, a thief or thieves broke into the Louisville Nature Center’s outdoor box turtle enclosure and stole two of its box turtles. The turtles, named Jack and Chocolate have been at the Kentucky nature center for several years. Chocolate was found wandering at the center with deformities that made it impossible for him to dig a hole to brute in and he also was unable to retract into his shell.

“He cannot live on his own in the wild. We have been caring for him for several years now and he is a staff and student favorite. He and Jack, another male box turtle, were removed from the enclosure, the nature center wrote on social media. “We are asking for their return, we will not ask any questions, we just want our turtles back!”

Update: It appears that Chocolate has been found, but Jack is still missing.

Anyone with any information regarding the box turtles can call the nature center at (502) 458-1328