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HP’s Lost Iguana Commercial-What Do You Think?

Hewlett-Packard has released a commercial that involves a pet iguana, a little boy and a whole bunch of HP technology. The commercial, “Lost Igu

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Hewlett-Packard has released a commercial that involves a pet iguana, a little boy and a whole bunch of HP technology. The commercial, “Lost Iguana” details how the boy harnesses all the power of HP technology, from laptop computers, to high end reprographics printers to an HP mobile phone, in an effort to find his pet iguana.

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He then enlists a group of neighborhood kids who plaster the neighborhood with lost posters created with HP printers, and as a grand finale, somehow hacks his way into the neighborhood’s digital signage billboard network and blasts those with his Lost Iguana poster. Then he waits for the knock on his front door that reveals Ralph, his pet iguana being returned to him.

The advertisement is all done in a minute and it is cute how the boy uses all this high tech hardware to find his iguana, but what do you think? Have reptiles made it into the mainstream? Does it help the hobby that a company of the caliber of HP would use a boy and his lost pet iguana to showcase its technology? Should HP have used a different lizard given the complexity of caring for a green iguana? Sound off in the comments below.

John B. Virata keeps a ball python, two corn snakes, a kingsnake, and two leopard geckos. His first snake, a California kingsnake, was purchased at the Pet Place in Westminster, CA for $5. He began his career in journalism covering companies such as Hewlett Packard, Apple, Adobe Systems, and IBM. Follow him on Twitter @johnvirata