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Giant Saltwater Crocodile Captured In The Southern Philippines

The 20ft Crocodylus porosus might be set free, away from populated areas

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Crocodile hunters in the Philippines have captured a 20-foot-long, 2,370 pound saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) near Bunawan town in Agusan del Sur, Philippines. The animal, named Lolong after one of the hunters who suffered a stroke and died hunting the animal might just be released in an area away from villages, contrary to reports that Lolong will be the star attraction in a planned ecotourism park. "We may eventually relocate him to a safer place and not near villages,” Bunawan Mayor Edwin "Cox” Elorde told Radio Inquirer in an interview.

The crocodile has created a buzz on the Internet due to the fact that it is so large, and partly because of unconfirmed reports that a large crocodile had killed livestock in the area and attacked and killed a girl in 2009. News reports in the Philippines write that a second, even larger crocodile is lurking in the Agusan Marsh, where Lolong was captured.