
Coin Count Reptile Contests

*This contest is now closed* Congratulations to the following reptile lovers for correctly guessing the amount of coins in the stack ($8.63)

Reptile Lifeless And Gasping
San Diego Zoo Seeks Name For Monocled Cobra
Giving Reptiles Medication Via Feeders

*This contest is now closed*

Congratulations to the following reptile lovers for correctly guessing the amount of coins in the stack ($8.63)
Blake Casassa
Holly Latta
Yvonne Janak
Ken Blake  
Chris DeGroof
Kim R. Kee
Ryan Rachiele
Michael Krueger
Gerald Boyd
Debbie Hall

Want to win a free $50 gift certificate from RodentPro? That can buy a heckuva lot of pinkies (or mice, rabbits, chicks, quail, etc.)!

To get a shot at one of 10 free gift certificates, all you need to do is this:

1. Get hold of a copy of the January 2014 issue of REPTILES magazine, pictured to the right.

2. Turn to the RodentPro ad on page 5. It features a big stack of coins.

3. Count up the coins to arrive at a total dollar amount for the stack.

4. Email the dollar amount to reptiles@i5publishing.com by 12 pm PST on December 10, 2013. Type "Coin Contest" in the subject field of your email. In the body, along with the dollar amount for the coin stack, also include your name, address and phone number. One email per person.

That's all you have to do. Everyone who answers with the correct dollar amount will be entered into a raffle, and soon after the contest deadline, 10 winners will be chosen at random to receive a free $50 gift certificate from RodentPro!

So check out the RodentPro ad in the January 2014 REPTILES and send us your email. Your hungry herps will thank you…you can count on it!

You must be at least 16 years old and a U.S. resident to participate in the REPTILES Count the Coins Contest. Employees of i5 Publishing and RodentPro are not eligible to participate. Winners will be notified via email. Failure to respond in a timely fashion to any emails seeking to facilitate prize delivery may result in forfeiture of prizes. ReptileChannel, ReptilesMagazine.com and i5 Publishing are not responsible for ensuring prize delivery.