Category: Turtle & Tortoise Species

Reptile Dentition: The Details on Reptile Teeth
Reptile Anatomy and Physiology is an important part of Herpetology and captive care! [...]
History of the Galapagos Tortoise
When I sit with a Galapagos tortoise, I can feel a charm I haven’t felt with another reptile. Although tortoises are sometimes considered p [...]

Most Endangered Reptiles
Here is a list of some of the most endangered reptiles in the world. [...]

Yellow-Footed Tortoise Versus Red-Footed Tortoise Care
There are differentiating factors in the shells of the red-footed tortoise and the Yellow-footed tortoise that helps one tell them apart. [...]

Cagle's Map Turtle
Everything you need to know about Cagle's map turtle (Graptemys caglei). [...]

Map Turtles (<em>Graptemys</em> Species)
The genus Graptemys, which includes all the map turtles, is endemic to the United States and Canada. [...]

No-Eyed Turtles
Why would someone breed no-eyed turtles? [...]
Spotted Turtle Care Info
These beautiful reptiles are coveted by hobbyists around the world. [...]

The Painted Turtle
The painted turtle (Chrysemys picta) is perhaps one of the most attractive turtles in North America. [...]
African Mud Turtle
African Mud Turtle species profile. [...]

Mata-Mata Turtle
Mata-Mata Turtle species profile. [...]
Mud And Musk Turtles
Mud and Musk Turtle species profile. [...]

South American Red-Footed Tortoise
South American Red-Footed Tortoise species profile. [...]

Wood And Bog Turtles
Wood and Bog Turtle species profile. [...]

Yellow-Margined Box Turtle Care And Information
The yellow-margined box turtle makes a hardy pet. [...]
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