Category: Lizard Care
Ackie Monitor Information And Care
the Ackie monitor's small size compared to their larger cousins makes housing one more reasonable, and despite being small, they still possess the inn [...]
Zoo Med 18 x 18 x 24-inch Naturalistic Terrarium Review
This review chronicles a continuing effort to rehouse the animals under my care to updated enclosure designs. The overall process has been going well [...]
Captive Care For Leopard Geckos
Although they are often described as a beginner species, leopard geckos require specifically tailored care to keep them healthy and thriving. [...]
Keeping and Breeding the Tokay Gecko
Tokay geckos have many qualities that make them ideal candidates for your next scaly pet. They can be extremely hardy as long as a few fairly simple c [...]
The Toad Lady Gets A Kimberley Rock Monitor
If you lack the proper real estate for a water monitor or crocodile monitor, you should absolutely consider a Kimberley rock monitor. [...]
The Way of the Water Dragon
Chinese water dragons are incredible lizards that deserve more recognition within herpetoculture. [...]
Gut Loading Feeder Insects And Why It’s Important
There is a difference between feeding the insects for your reptile’s nutrition and feeding the insects for their nutrition. [...]
Creating the Perfect Habitat for Your Pet Chameleon
Having a pet chameleon can be a truly rewarding experience. But in order to ensure that your pet is living in the most comfortable and healthy environ [...]
African Fat-Tailed Gecko Care And Natural History
The African fat-tailed gecko (Hemitheconyx caudicinctus) is an inconspicuous species of lizard that is small in size, friendly, and hardy when cared f [...]
Bearded Dragon Brain Mapped By University of Illinois Researchers
The bearded dragon is the most common lizard species treated by exotic veterinarians. [...]
4 Tips for Choosing the Best Food for Your Pet
Knowledge is the key when it comes to choosing food for your pet. [...]
4 Care Tips to Help Your Gecko Thrive
From beginning pet owners to experienced reptile keepers, geckos make great companions. [...]
Skunk Gecko Care Sheet
Gekko vittatus is an ideal species for the intermediate to advanced reptile keeper. [...]
Skunk Gecko History And Care
As skunk geckos are an arboreal species, you will want to choose an enclosure that has more height rather than width. [...]
3 Tips for Bearded Dragon Owners
Bearded dragons are one of the most popular reptile pets in the U.S. They’re fascinating, personable and make great companions. [...]
8 Of The Most Popular Geckos For Reptile Keepers
Geckos are some of the most beautiful lizards and these are widely captive-bred. [...]
5 Great Pet Lizards For Reptile Keepers
Provisions to keep these reptiles can be had at nearly every pet and reptile store, and the major manufacturers have enclosure bundles designed specif [...]
Keeping And Breeding Goniurosaurus Cave Geckos
For those who enjoy leopard and fat-tail geckos, Goniurosaurus offer an exciting new horizon. [...]
Zoo Med Labs: Inside the ReptiSun UVB/LED Lighting Solution
Zoo Med Labs, which developed the first UVB lighting solution for reptiles in the early 1990s has pushed the envelope once again with the introduction [...]
An Inside Look at the Program Protecting the Critically Endangered Anegada Iguanas
About 80 miles northeast of Puerto Rico lies a small island lined with white sandy beaches and surrounded by stunning coral reefs. The island, Anegada [...]
Keeping And Breeding Crested Geckos
All the information necessary for successfully keeping crested gecko lizards. [...]
Yellow-Spotted Night Lizard Information and Care
The yellow-spotted night lizard (Lepidophyma flavimaculatum) is generally the only species in the family Xantusiidae that is occasionally available in [...]
Building A Positive Relationship Between Your Tegu And Its Food
It goes without saying that you need to feed your pets regularly, regardless of their size, age, or species. However, the relationship between reptile [...]
Gourmet Holiday Recipes For Your Reptiles
Here are some simple recipes that will show your reptiles they’re part of the family. [...]