Category: Frog & Amphibian Care

Amphibian Drug Dosage
The greatest difficulty in treating small amphibians comes from properly determining and administering the amount of drug required for treatment. [...]

Amphibian Diseases: Toxing Out
Identify the signs of toxicity in your amphibians and tips on keeping the toxicity levels of their water low. [...]

Amphibian Diseases: Crash Syndrome
How to prevent your amphibian from falling victim to crash syndrome. [...]

Sick Frogs And Salamanders
To recognize illness in frogs, toads, newts, or salamanders, look for the following symptoms outlined in this article. [...]

Mixing Species With Fire-Bellied Toads
In larger terrariums, you can add a different species that occupies a separate area than Bombina orientalis. [...]

Handling The Fire-Bellied Toad
Like many frogs, Bombina orientalis produces skin toxins that could be harmful and should be handled with care. [...]

Feed Your Fire-Bellied Toads The Right Foods
The oriental fire bellied toad can eat a diet of crickets and waxworms. [...]

Choosing The Right Terrarium For Your Oriental Fire-Bellied Toad
Tips on selecting the right enclosure for Bombina orientalis. [...]

Care Tips For The Golden Dart Frog
Habitat, feeding and breeding tips for Phyllobates terribilis. [...]
Tankmates For The Surinam Underwater Toad
All things considered, there are no good tankmates for the SUT. [...]

Amphibian Diseases: Velvet Disease
Velvet disease, a type of skin infection better known in fish, also infects aquatic amphibians. [...]

Amphibian Diseases: Bacterial And Viral Infections
When seeking treatment, veterinarians specialized in treating reptiles have the general background to effectively treat amphibians if they have the re [...]

Amphibian Diseases: Parasites
If a frog or salamander eats but loses weight, has watery feces, or is active but eats poorly, parasites are a possible cause of disease. [...]
Care Tips For The Vietnamese Mossy Frog
Theloderma corticale are easy to keep, trouble free, and make great display animals. [...]

Care For The Spotted Salamander
Expert care tips for the spotted salamander [...]

Malaysian Horned Frogs
Information and care for Malaysian horned frogs (Megophrys nasuta). [...]

Budgett’s Frogs
Care for the hefty, large-mouthed Budgett’s frog. [...]

Idaho Giant Salamander
Care tips for the Idaho giant salamander (Dicamptodon aterrimus). [...]

White’s Treefrogs
Although dumpy, White’s treefrogs are also hardy, comical and popular. [...]
Testing Dart Frog Fecal Matter
How do you test dart frog fecal matter? [...]
Reptiles And Amphibians Living Together
Can I keep reptile and amphibians together? [...]

Clown Treefrog Care And Breeding
Techniques for keeping and breeding clown treefrogs (Dendropsophus leucophyllatus, formerly Hyla leucophyllata). [...]
Reptile Enclosure Water Quality and Filtration
Water is an important part of your herp's life. [...]

Pacman Frog Not Eating
Pacman frog not eating, could be a result of hibernation or estivation. [...]