Category: Care Sheets

Corn Snake Care Sheet
Care sheet for the corn snake Pantherophis guttatus (Elaphe guttata). [...]
Eastern Indigo Snake Care Sheet
While they may require more maintenance and investment, Eastern indigos are one of the most intelligent and rewarding snake species a passionate herpe [...]
Bullsnake Care and Breeding Information
From their ease of care, to unmatched visual beauty, bull snakes are gratifying species to keep, beyond measure. [...]
Rosy Boa Care Sheet
The rosy boa is one of two boa constrictors native to the United States, the other being the rubber boa [...]

Blood Python Care And Husbandry
Updated January 30, 2023
In our minds, blood pythons are the ideal captive for the serious python enthusiast. They’re gorgeous, they’re good-sized [...]

Nuevo Leon Kingsnake Care Sheet
Most of the available captive bred Nuevo Leon kingsnakes are many generations removed from the wild due to the laws protecting their importation into [...]

Black-headed Python Care Sheet
Updated January 29, 2023
Black-headed Python (Aspidites melanocephalus)
Aspidites melanocephalus, commonly known as the black-headed python, is [...]

Boa Constrictor Care Sheet
Expert tips on caring for the Colombian boa constrictor. [...]
Skunk Gecko Care Sheet
Gekko vittatus is an ideal species for the intermediate to advanced reptile keeper. [...]

Yellow Anaconda Care Sheet
The yellow anaconda is a very large snake for expert reptile keepers only. [...]

Hog Island Boa Constrictor Information
The wild Hog Island boa population has taken some hits, but surveys indicate it’s rebounding. [...]

Bearded Leaf Chameleon Care Sheet
For such tiny animals, bearded leaf Chameleon are remarkably durable and hardy. [...]

Madagascar Ground Gecko Care Sheet
Madagascar Ground Geckos (Paroedura picta)
Madagascar Ground Geckos are tropical, terrestrial, nocturnal geckos with beautiful color patterns and w [...]

Gray Rat Snake Care Sheet
Updated January 30, 2023
Grat Rat Snake (Elaphe obsoleta spiloides)
The gray rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta spiloides) is a medium/large constrictin [...]

Golden Gecko Care Sheet
Updated February 3, 2023
Golden Geckos (Gekko Ulikovskii)
Golden geckos are an arboreal species native to Vietnam. Their care requirements are eas [...]

Blue Spiny Lizard Care Sheet
Updated February 3, 2023
Blue Spiny Lizard (Sceloporus cyanogenys)
Although occasional wild-collected blue spiny lizards may give birth to young [...]

Yellow-spotted River Turtle Care Sheet
Podocnemis unifilis, the Yellow-spotted River Turtle
The genus Podocnemis features six species of large river turtles found throughout South Americ [...]

Radiated Tortoise Care Sheet
Like other tortoises, radiateds need a high fiber diet with as much variety as possible. [...]

African Fire Skink Care Sheet
The African fire skink is quite active and full of personality when housed properly. [...]

Giant Leaf-Tailed Gecko Care Sheet
Updated February 3, 2023
The giant leaf-tailed gecko is native to Madagascar, where it inhabits rain forest habitat along the eastern coast. It has [...]

Australian Barking Gecko Care Sheet
Updated February 3, 2023
Australian Barking Gecko (Underwoodisaurus milii)
The scientific name for the thick-tailed gecko is Underwoodisaur [...]
Salvator Tegu Care Information
Care tips for Salvator Tegus [...]

Eastern Box Turtle Care Sheet
Here are a few tips for keeping the Eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) alive and well in captivity, including care of the hat [...]

White’s Treefrog Care Sheet
White's treefrog is also known as the dumpy frog and Australian green tree frog (Litoria caerulea). [...]