Boy On Team Venom Soccer Team Gets Bit By Copperhead

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Boy On Team Venom Soccer Team Gets Bit By Copperhead

A 10-year-old boy playing an away game in Kansas City, MO was bit by a copperhead snake (Agkistrodon contortrix) after he tripped and fell on some gra

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A 10-year-old boy playing an away game in Kansas City, MO was bit by a copperhead snake (Agkistrodon contortrix) after he tripped and fell on some grass. Carlton Epps was at a tournament and was between games when he was bit.

Epps, who plays for Team Venom of Branson, MO was bit on the arm and his father, Frank knew right away that the boy got bit by something bad when he saw the blood coming down off his hand. Epps called 911 and the ambulance brought the boy to a local hospital where he spent two days getting treatment.

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Copperhead Snake

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Copperhead snakes are fairly common in Missouri and are not aggressive snakes, according to Bill Graham of the Missouri Department of Conservation. Endemic to North America, the copperhead grows to 20-37 inches. Although venomous, their bites are rarely fatal. Tests on mice show that their venom’s potency is among the lowest of the pit vipers. But any bite from a venomous snake should be taken seriously.