Author: Stephanie Starr

Hoffmann's Reptiles In Concord California
At Hoffmann's Reptiles, you can find everything you need to keep your herps healthy. [...]

The Pet Zone In Pittston, PA
The Pambianco's 800 square foot store is now 12,000 square feet. [...]

<em>REPTILES</em> Magazine Reaches 20 Years Old
Premier reptile magazine passes a milestone. [...]
Let The Adventure Begin!
Herpers have the best stories. If you’ve ever attended an expo and had the opportunity to speak with one, chances are that you’ve been regaled with nu [...]
July 2011 Editor's Note
Weird is Wonderful [...]
From The Editor’s Desk: Stephanie Starr
Many of us begin our foray into the hobby by fixating on one reptile or amphibian in particular. As a kid, I was fascinated by leopard frogs. They pop [...]

The Lizard King Book: Mike Van Nostrand Interview
Mike Van Nostrand discusses The Lizard King book. [...]