Author: Jerry Fife

Indian Star Tortoise Care And Breeding Tips
Tips for keeping one of the world’s most attractive tortoises—the Indian star tortoise. [...]

A Visit To Indonesia's Komodo National Park
I felt like Humphrey Bogart in "The African Queen" as our boat chugged up the chocolate-brown river, though we were in Borneo and not A [...]

Seeking Out The Fiji Crested Iguana
Take a journey to Yadua Taba, a Fiji island sanctuary of the critically endangered Brachylophus vitiensis. [...]

Uromastyx Lizard
Uromastyx care and breeding information [...]

The Current Status Of Galapagos Tortoises
Bonus content from the May 2012 REPTILES magazine article "Miracle Babies: Breeding Galapagos Tortoises in Captivity" [...]
The Galapagos Versus The Aldabra Tortoise
Bonus content from the May 2012 REPTILES magazine article "Miracle Babies!" [...]

Indian Star Tortoise Diet
Bonus content from the September 2009 REPTILES magazine article "Shining Star." [...]

Leopard Tortoise Care Sheet
Care sheet for the leopard tortoise (Stigmochelys [Geochelone] pardalis). [...]
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